1. Ann Arbor doing well. 5 dispensaries in 2 miles. 75$ Oz. Up to 300. .lot of great smoke at killer prices. Mafia funeral half Oz. 35$. All well over 20% the. We've had dispensaries for years. Rec really boosted sales. Maybe 15 or more dispensaries in the city

  2. The way it's set up for greed the ones with the best Genetics/Cost will win…Quality/Potency isn't that great at Dispensaries here…But yet they are booming bc they're hands are tied bc it's the only legal places to buy…

  3. Prices are insane. I used to sell weed MUCH cheaper than what you can buy it for now. It was good sh!t, too. FAT, four-fingered bags too! I cleaned that sh!t up good.

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