Gov. Wolf: More Information Needed Before Legalizing Recreational Marijuana In Pa.

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf says more information is needed before legalizing recreational marijuana in the state; KDKA’s …


  1. Marijuana should be legalized in all 50 states on both the state and federal levels. Also MARIJUANA sales(the money taken in) should be allowed to put their money in the bank…Unfortunately we(the USA) love to do all things CANNABIS ass-backwards for whatever stupid reason. I(a person who doesn't enjoy drinking) personally can't wait to be able to 🚶 WALK 🚶 to my corner Marijuana store and purchase all the CANNABIS(flower) & any/all the CANNABIS type products(Dab, Edibles, Oils etc…) that I feel like purchasing…Also since states like California have made profits in the B-B-B-Billions of dollars…On top of all these reasons Marijuana is 5000% safer, healthier than Alcohol(FYI-I feel most people don't remember that Alcohol is the leading cause of deaths, overdoses especially. It kills around 500% more people(yearly) than pills, cocaine and yes even Heroin…So if CANNABIS was made 100% legal all these numbers(of drug related deaths) would plummet in an enormous downward spiral and that's just the God-Damn FACTS!!!

  2. Legalize recreational in all 50 states! we are adults 21+ and if alcohol and tobacco are legal… cannabis should be just as legal because it is safer and healthier.

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