Hemp is an incredibly versatile plant. Peter Miles tells us that we can make paper from fast growing hemp, instead of cutting trees, …


  1. I have been proposing Windyday Concept for making our building blocks for our renewable energy, but a major part was to reform Big Ag and bring back Hemp. So I am so glad he explained all the technical detail.
    BTW I was in the health field, but noticed the planet was sick. That's why I've been fighting so hard. And I did have some training before as an Engineering student. I just associate with knowledgable people.
    You are fighting Global Corp Inc and they will fight like hell to not let hemp be grown on a global scale.

  2. I don't think you guys are getting it yet. Just to slow Global Warming a little bit we would need 6 Earth's worth of arable land.
    We only have one.

  3. Please, when considering a future, please speak of hemp in context of forests, reforestation — good luck in finding a place for afforestation, BTW, cuz as you speak of balance in nature, that's exactly what forests do. Forests stabilize climate & what we're facing is climate chaos. Look at the wrecking ball swing we're seeing of droughts, fires & floods & temperature extremes. This is due to rapid deforestation happening now! Forests are also responsible for fresh water creation thru their being key to hydrology. Hemp can be used to repair the soil for reforestation is the context I'd've liked presented here.

  4. "fixes carbon in the soil" — WT… Did he mean "fixes nitrogen" cuz the soil already has an abundance of carbon, cuz it is basically carbon? So is hemp a legume? Then, BTW, all cannabis is hemp, but hemp isn't cannabis, so all you get from hemp you can get from cannabis, but certainly not the other way round.

  5. The things that we have done with hemp for thousands of years do include medicinal/psychotropic application of Cannabis cultivars. 10,000 year old Cannabis has been found – and actually though to be still genitically viable – in human burial complexes in the Gobi Desert. Avoiding the truth is exactly how we got to the place we are at.

  6. Paula Jean ran on a platform in west Virginia of growing hemp on the damaged land from strip mining for coal. It is one of the few crops that can be grown on those heavily damaged mountain tops.

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