Epilepsy and The Ketogenic Diet

Here’s what you really need to know about epilepsy and the ketogenic diet. Keto Diet Meal Recipes: …


  1. Fasting + Ketogenic diet → ↓gamma-Glutamyltranspeptidase → seizure protection.

    Fasting + Ketogenic diet → ↑Akkermansia muciniphila + Parabacteroides merdae → Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal-5-phosphate P5P) → ↑GABA biosynthesis → seizure reductions and ↓prancreatic Insulin secretion (weight loss).

    GABA biosynthesis: L-Glutamine (Glutamine synthetase <> Glutamate synthase) to produce Glutamate (Glutamate decarboxylase with Vitamin B6 + Magnesium) to produce GABA.

    GABA helps seizure reduction in the brain and GABA helps insulin regulation in the pancreas (weight loss).

  2. Great but in keto what to do with iron rich foods like beef organ meet etc aren't they bad for seizures? Doesn't red meat trigger seizures due to oxidative stress ? Please reply

  3. I Have iner seizures i Got paralized, open mouth, staring with eyes..i had eeg yesterday. I eat keto but cant wait to take meeds, because it iz so scary, it looks like i am frozen

  4. Hi Dr.Berg i have a question. I went on butter and cheese for a month. And when my blood results came I got my hdl .low , Ldl was a bit high and my triglycerides were doubled ? Not sure what I am doing wrong ? Please help ? ( My butter is not grass fed though )

  5. Let get to know more about getting cured with herbs I was completely cured with help of Dr Ogie on YouTube his herbal medicine is the best I will forever be grateful doc✋✋.

  6. Let get to know more about getting cured with herbs I was completely cured with help of Dr Ogie on YouTube his herbal medicine is the best I will forever be grateful doc✋✋.

  7. Thankfully after being a fan of yours for over 3 years, i told my 10 year old child's dietician (for epilepsy) "No, i am not pouring rubbish veg/seed oils over my childs meals to increase her fats" – as she suggested. Not all dieticians are equal, a lot need re-educating! My child has been on the diet since Dec21. no reduction of seizures but we did wean her off one (out of 3) of her meds. Also, one of dietician's meal ideas was – normal pasta in tomato sauce with few peas (spoonful), pinch of grated cheese, couple of segments of tangerine and dollop of heavy cream!!!! needless to say there wasnt much of it – but totally nutrient deficient and certainly not filling. Thank You Dr Berg for educating me in this field and thus preventing a lot more problems 🙂 x

  8. I'm 56, diagnosed at 3 with epilepsy. valentines 2018 I went keto (correctly) prior to ketosis 36,000 seizures. 2 a day for 50+years………2018 I had 5. Dr. Dom corrected the verbage as Modified Adkins. unlimited protein. Works for me. @dr Berg I found that anti inflammation is just as big a deal. THE OILs matter big time. vegetable oils suck

  9. My dad is 100yrs old. He got dementia 3-4 yrs ago. Recently he had one seizure. I’m wondering if keto diet and intermittent fasting will work for him…

  10. The theory is to do with problematic gut bacteria. Many patients have undetected severe gluten and dairy intolerances, causing inflammatory responses, eventually resulting in seizures. Keto seems to restore or help the beneficial bacteria. Which means gut bacteria is key.

  11. Dr. Berg, The rheumatologist I used to see had her patients on the Keto/IF diet to stop their seizures. She herself eats this way. Some doctors actually understand and look outside the box after all.

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