THE CLOSURE DNA SHOW: SEASON 8 EPISODE 7 (CBD PART 2) #theclosurednashow #tinashemugabe #TheDNAman

Welcome To The Closure DNA Show The Platform Of Realities!!! Season 8 Episode # 7 BELVEDERE Paternity DNA Testing …


  1. Educated woman most of who are better employed and wedded are criminals they lack respect Creating problem that leads to devices so that they share the husband's wealth ,because they take advantage of marriage certificate . Education without wisdom is foolishness .

  2. Aiwa musikana haadi mukomana, so musamanikidzira zvinhu. Mukomana ane munhu wake ,. Munhu ne munhu kumba kwa mai vake, tatopedza. zvimwe izvo ratova drama ramakuda kutiitira. vochengeta mwana arikwaari ikoko

  3. eish imagine uriwe musikana wemukomana uyu, tinashe achiti hamugone kumusiya here kkkk haa ini ndobva ndatotizira musi iwoyo coz mkomana anotobaya wakasvinura se matemba🤣🤔

  4. Marriage between the two is not advisable. BUT I would say it would be advisable for the girl to work towards getting a second child from this man. Kuti vana vaite mutupo mumwechete. And if she commits to getting a second child then I would advise the young man to consider marriage because the girl would have shown she is now serious about him.

    As it is musikana achiri mukadzi wemumwe murume. Murume nde uya wemuepisode yekutanga. Uyu chikomba ichi. Nyangwe akaroora zvakaita zvazvakaita izvi murume anenge achingouya kumukadzi wake.

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