Legal Marijuana in America: The New Green Rush (Full Episode) | Nat Geo Investigates

The war on pot is not over. Penalties and jailtime are still a threat, and cannabis entrepreneurs struggle to adapt. ➡ Subscribe: …


  1. There is no such thing as legal marijuana in the United States. Individual states have no power to override the Federal Government, it is a controlled substance and illegal per Federal law. Don't agree? Feel free to contact the DEA, they will set you straight.

  2. Silly legislators, it's a plant that has never killed anyone. Outlaw Holly Berries instead if you care about American's health….oh right you don't. It's all about $$$$$$

  3. @Tesseract Jones — You don't get it. All the violence that now swirls around near harmless cannabis is caused by the fraudulently enacted prohibition, just as happened with alcohol during ITS misguided prohibition. — On the contrary, while alcohol is infamous for fueling aggression and violence, cannabis is well=known for creating peaceful, friendly attitudes.

  4. I quit years ago. I really don't care one way or another, but all the crime that comes with the deal is a big concern. There's a considerable amount of violence that comes with the bud of peace.

  5. People can get multiple DUIs and still be driving. Yet you can get years just for possessing weed in some states. Its criminal that something so deadly is legal and something so healthy in multiple ways isn't.

  6. Awesome soon ill have to pay taxes on it, and look at tobacco… the government loves to increase tax on tobacco, just give it time. Marijuana will be on the same level.

  7. It's too bad this couldn't have been legalized years and years ago but we need to get rid of is alcohol tobacco and all that heavy drugs that are killing people specially fentanyl the worst of all there are so many medicinal uses for this god-given green earth of a beauty and it doesn't give you cancer and also it helps people that gets seizures for that not to happen anymore imagine a green plant stopping seizures

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