1. Maryland makes a long list of kill zones. Criminals don't follow laws, and IDIOTS MAKE it easier for Criminals to kill you. Details at Eleven

  2. The Maryland General Assembly, especially Jeff Waldstreicher, are severely out of touch… they should be held personally liable for any litigation that comes from these ridiculous laws. Targeting law-abiding concealed carriers is unconstitutional and will do nothing to help gun crime in Maryland, it will just generate more government waste by clogging up the courts because Jeff is ignorant and afraid of firearms. Data proves that vetted and trained concealed carry owners are among the most lawful citizens in the country. I'm no longer in a department but never had any issues with legal carriers during my career, it's extremely rare. I'm speaking about the "Wear and Carry" holders, not just gun owners. To carry in MD, 16 hours of training/range time and a full background check with fingerprinting is required to just apply for a permit, then within 90 days the federal and state findings come back with the result of the investigation.

  3. It doesn’t matter how many guns you have, when you create “gun free zones” criminals target those soft spots Stupid!

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