NEW STUDY* MELATONIN GUMMIES ARE MISLABELED & MAY BE UNSAFE. A new study in JAMA found that some melatonin …


  1. As a peds RN, I’ve seen for decades parents that give their child “the sleepy juice” aka Benadryl for decades, and not necessarily bc the child is experiencing insomnia,but bc it’s Saturday night and it’s party time. 🎉

  2. All I know is I've been taking 3mg melatonin every night for a couple years and can no longer sleep without it or more than maybe 5 hours at a time. Now I wake up and take more and have to be in bed for 12 hours to get 8. But I take a lot of other things. And I never had a problem with sleeping when I began, I just had maybe a 25 hr sleep cycle that was hard to maintain but could easily sleep 9 hrs. Now I can get maybe 5.

  3. Why in the world would a parent give melatonin to a child?!? If said child is outside playing and not inside on screens they will be naturally tired. I feel bad for kids who take these things instead of living a healthy active lifestyle 😢

  4. I used to take melatonin. Kinda helped but wasn’t helping with underlying issue. Overall incorporating healthier habits such as not having my face in blue light on my phone before bed or drinking too many fluids before bed, working out, avoiding caffeine after a certain time of day etc. I can actually go to sleep now within 20 minutes and stay asleep. Do things to help with circadian rhythm and production of melatonin

  5. I thought there was something funny going on with my Melatonin gummies, because sometimes they don't work and don't do anything at all, and sometimes they put me into sleep like a coma…. seems totally unpredictable.

  6. I wish I could stop taking melatonin. I’ve been taking it every night for years now. If I don’t take it, I could stay awake for two days without falling asleep.

  7. I took melatonin after my father died. It was so necessary to maintain some semblance of normalcy. I think I was taking 10mg, which was the dosage on my bottle. I went to the doctor, and they had me go down to 3mg. It's crazy that this is like a free for all. I'm glad I tapered down and didn't end up relying on it.

  8. Thank you for sharing this really important information with us, I'm glad the nay sayers who tell you to "stay in your lane" haven't dissuaded you from hitting us with the latest in medical research! 😎

  9. I tried melatonin in pill form about 12 years ago when I was in college. It never helped me get to sleep any faster and I always woke up feeling hungover. I couldn’t ever get the timing right so I gave that up pretty quickly.

  10. Thanks for sharing! I shared the articles too. It’s terrifying. I know moms who give their kids melatonin just so they will go to sleep at a reasonable hour. We’re talking toddlers. Hopefully sharing the articles will make them stop.

  11. Im 41, have fibromyalgia and bunch other health issues including autoimmune. Melatonin and Benadryl makes my fibromyalgia act up really bad, like having restless legs, arms and the whole body bad …

  12. As readers can tell from the comments here, even a doctor’s input may be wrong. Also FYI not all sleep apneas have the same cause and you can have the wrong C-PAP mask that doesn’t help you to sleep at all.

  13. Oh no! I take melatonin. Not gummies, but i have ADHD and it is impossible to sleep consistently without them. It is supposed to be a 5mg chewable and i take half per night. Maybe i need to go back to nero sleep drink since it is considered a food and is more regulated.

  14. Anyone know if Good Day Chocolate melatonin is as dangerous. I use it once in a while like twice a month but only one and I swear I have the hardest time getting up and always feel groggy even causes nightmares. Its effective and better than other synthetic melatonin but was wondering if anyone has done their research and shed light on this product (brand). Thank you.

  15. Dr. Dray please talk about powder face washes! I don’t see any reliable or decent videos about it and I’d really like to know more, if it’s a reliable and healthy option. Your input and video would be greatly appreciated!

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