Cannabidiol and covid

Cannabidiol Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Promotes the Host Innate Immune Response (Preprint) …


  1. So sad to hear you've had a 7 day 'ban' from YouTube due to the discussion you had with Andrew Bridgen.. What a Vile Company YouTube are… why should be Truth be so unpalatable to some?? Keep up the amazingly good work John Campbell. XXX

  2. My understanding of Covid 19 is that they have not isolated the virus. If they have not isolated it, and can't "identify" it, then how do they diagnose someone as having it? It's pretty much the same symptoms as the flu.

  3. There's any plants that kill covid. Plants that aren't depresants or put people with auto immune disease in jeopardy. I've been researching plant chems for 8 years, i do not use cbd at all. Theres safer ways to raise immune system with THC that do not need CBD. You want impressive plants: loosestrife, barberry leaf, osha root, vervain, mullein, etc…. far greater in effects and healing. CBD sucks and ts put e n the hospital a few times. THC opening your receptor is all you need, by mixing THC with Loosestrife, it stops my seizure completely. DO NOT useore than 3% cbd and DO NOT use it with out THC. Its what you add to cannabis….. not cannabis

  4. Last year in the summer when I had 2 two weeks off from work, I stopped using CBD. During the week after that vacation I went back to work and got infected with Covid.

  5. There is nothing as freedom of speech, ethics, morals and democracy in this liberal, nowadays world. These liberals have ruined counties to ashes. They are literally killing people's logical things capabilities. Librals = sheepels.

  6. Amazing and outstanding evidence for a relatively inexpensive and once ostracized because of ignorance, substance to be used for many, many conditions …

  7. Well of course this works on a 98 percent survival rating that covid has lol. They were counting car accidents as a covid patient smh. I never got covid but DID get the BLOOD CLOTS from the vaccine when the department of veterans affairs almost killed me.

  8. THC oil absolutely kills cancer cells. We all know this. It has to be oral for it metabolise into 11-Hydroxy. Cannabis should be part of our food chain.

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