1. just curious whether you did college or university .as a matter of interest what did you get for $3000+. i used to work with farm machinery

  2. You mentioned you had I believe a gas and propane pipeline buried in one of your fields ,how deep are they and can you install tile over the top of them?You mentioned the older clay tile are usually deeper then the tile installed nowdays,I was told much of the older tile was installed on 80 or 90 foot spacing and the tile was deeper because they would then drawn farther between that spacing

  3. Enjoyed this I did!

    That drone is priceless Ah!

    Loved just looking at the area and “dirt”😂

    The drainage 🤷‍♂️
    I have come to realise we did ours vastly different.
    We trenched to grade.Then a foot deep of blue rock,,50mm.The plastic pipe on top with the membrane double folded.Then half a foot of blue rock 10mm and lastly another foot of 50mm.
    The membrane was priceless.

    Sure high cost and high hassle,BUT….
    With high cost and high hassles comes no more cost and no more hassle.
    They drained 10 years later just like the first year.

    When I saw the gravel pit and all that lovely water and then those particular very wet spots at obvious lowest part,it made me think I would just sacrifice the land and crop value and dig…..very deep as possible.Line with plastic and put short lats of pipe from 360 to the pond.
    You guys don’t do irrigation but water is life.The first rain after the worse drought,I will never forget.5mm after 11 weeks of nothing,I will never ever forget that.

    And those gas lines 😮😮
    That’s crazy having products like those running straight through your farm.
    There’s something like 12-15000 thousand kilometres of gas pipes across and around Australia.

  4. A tire pressure gauge is your friend. Considering the price of tires, and how even a few pounds will affect the rolling resistance and and life of a tire. I would go through your fleet and adjust the pressures as needed.

  5. The smell in the cab is probably a combination of chemicals being drug in on clothes grime getting in and out and also the big one all the pollen from spraying tasseled corn gets all over everything and it starts smelling rotten almost immediately

  6. City boy here from Minneapolis. I’ve never spent a minute on a farm but have been watching your vids for about a month now and find it very interesting. I like how you explain in detail what you’re doing. Your sarcastic jabs at Case,your Uncle and Dad never get old as well. Lol
    Your presentation never gets old or boring like other channels I’ve tried to watch. Keep up the hard work and hope the weather treats you guys right this year.

  7. Andy…. With the seven figure value of the equipment in ya'lls shed I would hope that it is well insured. I could only imagine the sort of lose a farm would have in the event of a tornado. It would be very bad for a community where many farms suffered loses of their equipment. It would likely take quite a while for the equipment to be replaced. Fingers crossed that nothing like that happens. Here in Colorado in Boulder County last year they had a wild fire that destroyed a housing area and many home owners were vastly under insured. They are still trying to fully recover and rebuild.

  8. a buddy of mine, was 3d printing nozzle pieces. was alot cheaper then buying them new. just took more time printing them then it would just sitting down infront of the tv. putting them together.

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