Open Your Third Eye [Starseed Activation]

The third eye is EXTREMELY powerful. Everything you need to know about the third eye, plus an activation that will help you open …


  1. Oh you just mentioned spirals being a portal what about when im taking pics and every now and then theres circular rainbow colored spirals around the sun (not the lens flares because mine are green) they're multicolored and very cool looking! ❤

  2. I am a man born 5/6/1966 remember everything since infancy. At 5 years old my guardian would appear warn me of events talk with me a young woman with long black hair . In the 70s I told the neighbor guys they would be out of a job due to Washington DC. They laughed a week later Carter signed the free trade agreement and three weeks later they received notice they were out of work the company was moving to Canada. Been telling people about the corruption from local to state to federal my entire life. I have been guided spiritually to go places I had never dreamed of and frankly wasn't keen on being to intervene on the behalf of people I didn't know to protect them. Far to many times to count . But I do not question my guidance ever when I am moved I move even of the direction makes no sense. Life has been exciting if nothing else.

  3. Wow just listened to this in a warm bath with candles. Inside my third eye I went into the ocean, a gentle whale came up to me, staring into her gentle eye of love

  4. Thank you Lily, I love it, beautiful and calming. Ready for whatever May come, I feel something in my energy field, love and gratitude, love your chakra series so much! ❤️❤️❤️

  5. Thank you So much Lily, I did Feel my Third eye pulsing, Also saw My brain And lights all connecting to each other, Also saw a Blue Avian Amazing, I did this live With My husband Ray he had Headache, Will be doing this all week, Take care and, Thank you, Lots of Love and hugs xxxx ❤💖🙏🌹😘

  6. Thank you so much! Things I saw:
    My kitchen
    Pinkish orange triangle
    Orange triangle
    Eye of Horus several times
    One eye of a grey
    White being with elongated head and pointy ears
    Orange eagle
    Bird being’s head

    I’m blown away and so grateful.

  7. its great to assume the holy family and star beings and saints like Germaine into this mind reading session. My crown went purple- six front six back which made a round portal protected .. radical wisdom with mind expansion expected thanks to your guidance. True wisdom not Moloch – Carl Rove .. lol byee bye Billy (the kid)

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