The Controversial History Of Marijuana Legalization

Marijuana has had a complex history in the United States dating all the way back to the country’s earliest settlements. #Marijuana …


  1. Recreation weed was pushed by big pharma had it remained on the medical course it would have been a major competition to all the contracts the Federal Government gives to big pharma.

  2. The US Federal government legalized Cannabis Sativa for our national defense during World War II.
    Every documentary about the history of Cannabis in the United States either conveniently or intentionally omit this fact from their report.
    Watch the 14-minute 1942 USDA video, Hemp for Victory.
    The federal tax stamp to grow Cannabis that is shown in the film reads, "Producer of Marihuana." This was only five years after "Marihuana" was outlawed.

  3. It’s not that I know the world is waking up about American use their power to hold back people because no they want to legalize it in before people with letting them know scientist prove and let them know what they say it’s no good it’s cause chaos at home so I think the government of America should be paying out all entities and people who was dealing with it not just play you sweeping it under the rock no no no create it back. People in back Hall get pain you need to get arrested for it today forward what about those people and the smaller continents you are putting your feet on That’s why everyone right now in the world America is losing their dominance because of what it did everything takes time before it bite you back

  4. People want a negative side affect of marijuana. I'll tell you the negative side affect. Getting caught by assholes who have a problem with you doing it.

  5. If weed was the thing turning people into zombies on the street I'd probably agree it's not good but I smoke it and I'm doing pretty good in life so I think it's just up to the individual to be responsible. If they aren't it shouldn't be on all of society to keep you responsible by restricting access for everyone

  6. My dad was a marijuana addict decades before legalization was ever a consideration. He built a greenhouse specifically to grow it and sell to others, apparently not caring what kind of example he set for his kids. I smoked it in my late teens but grew out of it by age 20. he was complete failure as a husband and father since he wasted his education and refused to work a real job. His addiction was more important to him. I don’t know if I’m for legalization of recreational use, I can’t decide based on my experience.

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