The Fight for Medical Marijuana in Minnesota: Greta's Story

“I have a lot of trouble hearing physicians or politicians come on TV or radio and say, you know, we don’t know what medical …


  1. I live in Chronic day to day pain. Fractured face, leg and jaw. Level 3 head trauma.I am a believer in medical marijuana as medicine to treat my deep pain and trouble sleeping. I wanted to get the best resource information. Were is the cheapest state for getting my M.M. Card without cash hassle and which location is best [vender wise] that is not a rip off ? I have been on pain prescription drugs for many years with many concerns with the side effects. Thanks for ANY HELPFUL INSIGHT ! Opioid's have been messing up my stomach……..possible overdose. M-M has so much benefits. I live in Minnesota yet want to do things legally HELP ! 

  2. This can be stopped. Annex the States of Washington and Colorado. Declare these States "Open Territory" Anyone apprehended with the smallest amount of this narcotic would be executed immediately! In time, these territories would be absorbed by surrounding States. Everyone holding a medicinal cannabis credential issued from any State faces immediate arrest and deportation. This by any means available, the first plane, train, bus or boat leaving the United States. Anyone offering resistance would be shot on sight.

  3. That Governor is about the craziest politician I've ever heard of !! This is one of the first time I have ever heard of a governor telling his constituents to go and break the law. His suggestion was "I've heard any family can buy it on the street it's only a petty misdemeanor so go buy your drugs on the street". How can he argue that he wants to be tough on crime when he suggests that it's okay to break the law then why have that law??? If its ok to buy it on the street illegally then why have that law? If he is ok with us breaking the law & buying it on the street putting us in a dangerous situation & making us criminal, why is he not ok with us buying it legally?? why even have the law if he's okay with us possessing it why have the law????

  4. But we do know, because if you took 2 groups of people from similar backgrounds, all over 50 and 100 smoked Marijuana for more then 5 years of there young life, some may even still use it if you really want a clear picture. And the second group never touched Marijuana or any other drugs.
    Same backgrounds same chance for educations and so forth I bet you would find the success and fail at life's goals about the same in every comparison. When they do that study they will find that it had literally no affect on them..

    I hate it when people say it makes you lazy. I know people who were lazy before they smoked and I know people who are lazy and never smoke. I also know people who are always on the go and have jobs and smoke a lot….You can not judge based on a couple of lazy people who also happen to smoke weed.

  5. Let's all remember that Obama is just sitting there watching all the pain and suffering that these families are living with – and he does nothing!  He is the Commander & Chief. He has the power.  Maybe Michelle could ask him to watch this video.

    All my love to this beautiful family. Their strength is an inspiration.

  6. I find it ironic that doctors can prescribe a vast array of chemicals with far harsher short-term and long-term side effects than marijuana, but because some choose to take marijuana as a recreational drug, this magically transforms marijuana from a chemical with potential benefits into something immoral that politicians can arbitrarily ban.

  7. Governor Dayton, really? I know you're a cowardly douchebag, but telling epileptic little girls to get their medicine from street dealers? Has it occurred to you that street dealers don't sell the medicinal form?

  8. This "medical marijuana problem" can be solved in 3 steps
    1) Remove Marijuana from the list of Schedule 1 drugs
    2) Lift the ban on Marijuana medical testing at the federal level
    2.5) Develop a road side test to determine how high is too high to operate a vehicle.
    3) Allow individual states to determine the appropriate age to allow adults to smoke Marijuana

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