Curious About Cannabis? Dos & Don'ts For Singaporeans In Thailand | Talking Point | Full Episode

In 2022, Thailand became the first Asian country to decriminalize the use of cannabis leading to an explosion in sales and …


  1. yall must be mistaken about the legal limit of thc allowed weed products. 0.2% THC is lower than any product i sold in the states by a huge amount.

  2. Take drugs in other country as a singaporean also wrong. Boring fking law we have honestly. It’s like being told to do work for your ex company

  3. The limit on THC only applies to extracts. It does not apply to flowers which is what weed is. This is so poorly researched. If you can go and spend time in Thailand and do a report on this and not get that crucial piece of information right, that is petty terrible journalism. You claim you are educating singaporeans 😂😂😂

  4. It would be nice to see some "cannabis bars" where you combine nicely some joints and refreshing juices with exotic fruits without any alcohol of course. Ι think that the person who would open a bar close to the sea combining these two will be pioneering.

  5. In Singapore,they juz want you to listen and obey them,Alcohol, Nicotine which is Class A Drug,but why they are not ban? It's addictive substance,Gambling too destroy live n family,why no ban? it's all in the end came to ka ching ka ching.😂

  6. There is a lot of hype on both sides. Of course, businesses will do anything to make money.

    On the other hand, while I think cannabis is not as bad as destructive to adults as other hard drugs, my concern is youth using it. The young brain is still developing. Alcohol and tobacco are just as bad for young people.

    I think there should be a strict ban to anyone below 21 years old. However, until I have more information about it, I reserve judgment.

    But I do think that cannabis for health reasons should be allowed under strict medical supervision.

  7. there's should be a study and research to other city as reference that has legal practically of cannabis / weed like several city in US what miss that had mess up the community nowadays for example like Kensington in Philadelphia

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