The Curious Case of Richard Kirk | True Crime Documentary

[true crime doc] Are you confident in your ability to spot a guilty party? In this gripping true crime documentary, we delve into the …


  1. They shouldn’t have interviewed him until he came down…I have done edibles before and I was high for 3 days straight,I could not come down,i did not enjoy the high at all because I had no control over myself.This is not fair to him legally,because he is impaired.

  2. With the benefit of the information added at the end, and his asking the detective if he was an LDS member and then asking for an LDS attorney, it seems he may have actually thought he could get away with murder and the church would protect him!?!?
    It is unfortunate, however, that he was only convicted of 2nd degree murder as his purchase of ammo just hours before the shooting make it seem this was likely pre meditated.

  3. The cause for his actions may never be known. However, what is important is his behavior during the interrogation. Clearly he is being influenced by something.

    This fact the detective ignored. Which made the entire process of the interrogation without merit. Losing his qualified immunity, because he acted outside the color of law.

    The way the story unfolds, and the allegations as to the reason he did it is pure speculation. Facts not in evidence, and possibly fraudulent. They set this guy up and he fell for it.

    He didn't have adequate representation. A first year law student could have gotten this guy off. The detective should have lost his job. He took advantage of the situation and violated this mans 4th, 5th, and 14th ammendment.

  4. I totally believe an edible could do it. 1st time or not. I’m not saying that in this case… However. I’ve eaten edibles that have turned into a hallucinogenic and overwhelming sense of fear, paranoia and dare devil antics. Usually it’s like driving 2 mph but feeling like you’re doing light speed but not always

  5. The 911 dispatch failed in the most critical of times… oh how the promises of 911 in the beginning were about NO failure. There is NOTHING from government that's fail proof.

  6. this is what you get when you join forces with a man who doesn't work, who makes excuses and seeks disability for pain. Ohhhh he is disabled. This type of individual spends alot of time analyzing whats wrong with the world, and rationalizing how smart they are relative to everyone else. The reality is they are weak, incapable with a lack lack of smarts being their only disability. Application of even mild stress is viewed as an affront and will trigger huge over reactions. Meanwhile, these individuals continue to spend prodigiously to the detriment of family. When things are difficult, they slink back into the murk of religious, rather than taking responsibility for being a bad human. Better to look for a partner with a track record of employment. Not patchy BS career employment but a trajectory of progress. Its not really about money, but about avoiding the phony disabled agitated procrastinator that takes everything you got without reciprocity.

  7. I did many drugs back in the day and NEVER once did i commit a murder or any crimes while being high. I cant understand ANYONE getting out of control because of all things pot. Whether it was eaten or smoked. Seems crazy to me. I feel he was messing with the cop trying to control the interview prolly like he messed with his wife, how he manipulated her. Well he has 30 years to think about what he did.

  8. This was a waste of a view. The detective answered more questions that the suspect asked him than the suspect answered to get to the bottom of the murder

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