Fentanyl’s deadly grip on St. Louis | Unreported World

Unreported World is on the streets of St Louis inside a fentanyl epidemic which has killed more people than Covid, and is …


  1. Es werden zu schnell hochdosierte Schmerzmittel für jedes Wehwechen verschrieben. Manche können Schmerzen gut ertragen bis zu einem gewissen Punkt, andere nicht . Ich hatte innerhalb eines Jahres einen Bandscheibenvorfall in der Lenden-und Halswirbelsäule. Die Schmerzen waren unerträglich. Erst bekam ich Morphium Tabletten verschrieben, danach Opium Tabletten. Ich war froh, einige Stunden ohne Schmerzen zu sein. Allerdings die Wirkung ist unerträglich, man ist total weggetreten, verliert die Kontrolle über sich selbst. Nach einer Woche habe ich die Tabletten abgesetzt, konnte die Schmerzen ertragen. Ich eigne mich nicht als Süchtige, dafür bin ich dankbar.
    In Deutschland sind diese Medikamente verschreibungspflichtig. Der Apotheker hat sie aus dem Giftschrank geholt und ich musste unterschreiben.

  2. I'm living in the heart of STL, been using fent since the pandemic when it flooded the streets. I wish I could stop but I know I'll just fall back into it, I always do. Lost friends, family… and I know one day I'll fade away too. Don't ever touch the stuff, it'll ruin your life.


  4. Why do people not stop to help them?
    Fear. Not just fear of a potentially dangerous stranger but fear of being faced with such a harsh reality, one that they don't want to think about happening to them or think about how easily it could happen to them. Fear holds us back from so much.

  5. Wtf she’s a prostitute, people are that desperate, she’s a great grandma, so gross 🤮, I would rather use my hand 🖐️

  6. Being called a high functioning person, university educated, from a working class background, this kind of programme would never have worked for me. As an alternative it looks as rat in wheel as the addiction. So 12 steps, & total abstinence does not work for a lot of people. The USA is positively backward when it comes to drug treatment centres around “ harm reduction”. So may be that kinda recovery works for some, but for me, no way.

  7. I been sober now for over 4 years and i keep just seeing it getting worse and worse each passing day. I used for 17 years, 21 overdoses, sleeping on streets, several rehabs and detox’s, loss of my kids and material items. I could keep going and going for days. But those addicts have to want to change their lives and the way of thinking. That street and drug life just is not worth it. It is so sad ….
    how many more people need to die for this country to stand up and do something different. It is time for a change. America has hit rock bottom.

    I have much Respect for Tyler and wish him nothing but the best. It takes a ton of will power to wanna get help and walk yourself into a detox / rehab when going to withdrawal. That takes a hell of a lot of will power to check yourself in detox. He eventually wants help and is sick and tired of being sick and tired. GodBless and i hope Tyler finds his correct path in life.

  8. I never hear about the people who are addicts that are able to function and be productive members of society. I am one of those of which I speak, it's not just a drug problem! Most of these people not all have mental health issues. SOME ARE JUST BAD PEOPLE! and have bad decisions from grade school and have never been held accountable!!! Getting tattoos all over your and not being able to read is not going to help. I have been prescribed opiates for 20 years, I am 60 years of age and work construction, two bulging disc and osteoarthritis is my pain. My solution would be legalize all drugs take control and take the crime out it. When I say take the crime out it I mean get cartels and those that make their living on the misery of others. The problem will not be solved overnight, for those that continue to use and are productive and pay their own way good for them! The rest Prison!. Let's be honest America some of us just like to get high and make excuses for our plight in life! It start with basic education, foundation in the home seeing their father getting up every morning and going to work to take care of his loved ones! Of course there are exceptions, being a deadbeat dad is not one of them. If we don't expect dignity from ourselves we will have none.

  9. You got to want to make a difference you know you got to want to live forever not die and that's what it is god gave us this body and it's awesome God's preparing a way us just let god.

  10. God hear my prayer 🙏…holy spirit I pray that you come into the lives of the addicted and make NEW any soul that seeks you! May peace, joy and love be made manifest in they're lives and situation! Amen!

  11. Guns, drugs, hate, what else does it need to take America down? All problems are obvious but if they don't want to change radically, people will continue to die. Sad and stupid at the same time.

  12. Almost a year later, and I hope that Fearless Tyler and all of those like him are now enjoying a life worth living. I live in Missouri, and this is going on in my back yard, in my country, on the same globe. These are our brothers, sisters, cousins, and fellow humans. I take it personally, because I have been there and done that, and I know recovery is possible when I don't want to die. I'm almost 3 years clean and sober. I want to bring others to my world: a permanent home, a job, the love of family and sober friends, and the knowledge that I have full control over what I put in my body. There is always HOPE.

  13. As an ex addict all this victim nonsense isn't helping anyone. The day i quit my brother who was all i ever had looked me dead in the eye and told me exactly what he thought of the pathetic junkie that I'd become. He then said if he ever seen that weak again he'll break my jaw and we'll never talk again. The withdrawals we're hell but ive never once considered doing a drug again. That's what a junkie needs not all this "poor you" nonsense.

  14. To all my brothers who are getting sober 🫡….stay strong and stay prayed up…To my brothers who think the money is worth risking (1) life pray that God replace that greed with love for humanity….money and material things can't take away the pain of destroying generations of human beings….the destruction of lives goes deeper than the individual

  15. Anyone for whom may not know better this report isn't a completely accurate report. Maybe the town he's in at the moment. It's accurate but I apologize for the salt toss but the epidemic is worst on white america. White American kids in rural areas across the country. I'm 45 years old born in a rural southern community and we lost people left and right since opiates became a problem.. way before fentanyl…Hillbilly Heroin. I'm sure it's bad on all communities. It's just his claims that bother me.

  16. She fail big time with her comparison. Luckily for the addicts the camera man spoke up.
    that says there's no urgency. When there so is

  17. In Scotland we have Buvidal injection for opiate withdrawal given once a month …and holy shit its a game changer . Methadone simply enables a user to keep using while suffering no withdrawals meaning only a select few will change .The Buvidal injection completely takes away craving and you go once a month . I hope it gets offered all over as it really works .

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