🔴Lori Vallow Trial Day 20 (FULL AUDIO)🔴

Lori Vallow Trial Day 20 (FULL AUDIO) CrimeTalk TV: Welcome to the most fact-driven and unbiased …


  1. the word is she wants a new trial. Take her down to the boarder let her work off her public service. Pick 3 or 4 a day. They mostly criminals rapists 3mbezkinnpimps but use her own discretion 👍⚡in the mean time .till she proves her innocents.💯🇺🇸🦅

  2. I was so hoping to hear from the defense and / or to hear Lori testify. However, what could they possibly say. Stating the prosecution did not prove its case is almost laughable.

  3. 🚨 WARNING:
    Off-Beat Comment:

    🤔 I find it both intriguing and amusing that one will make the effort to WHISPER (in order to limit the hearing of speech to those nearby)…. yet the WHISPERING is repeatedly carried out into a LIVE MICROPHONE!

    Is it just “ME” 😳 – or does that not seem pointless and COUNTERINTUITIVE?’ 🤔


  4. Was it a paintball gun, or a real gun?
    He showed up with a real gun and got too scared to shoot?
    I still don’t get this piece of the story..

  5. 2:42:50. Mr Archibald makes a statement that has completely changed my opinion on how the defence has handled this case. Not long now for Tylee, JJ and Tammy to have justice, then Charles will have his too 💙💙💙💙✌🏼🇦🇺

  6. I’ve never heard of this nonsense. “We don’t believe the state has proved its case, so the defense rests”??? Is this guy just leaving the door wide open for appeal based on ineffective counsel??? I don’t get it.

  7. I truly believe she is guilty! But I don't think they proved there case. They proved that they had an affair and that it looks really suspicious …. but that's it.

  8. Did they address the defense's motion for dismissal of the charges? I didn't hear anything about that and it seems they went right into scheduling jury instructions and closing arguments.

  9. Just as an FYI, from a former LDS member, from yesterday's testimony, a patriarch is a calling and the person holding that calling is common knowledge… it wouldn't be something that would need to be corroborated by calling a bishop or church headquarters, because everyone would know that's not his calling.

  10. An Amazing Plan… you murder your husband and two kids and I’ll murder my wife… then we’ll cash in our spouse’s life insurance policies and move to Hawaii and live happily ever after !!! All in the name of God and Country !!! Brilliant Plan !!! WOW now that’s what I call being overly optimistic and Evil !!!

  11. Man Im sick of the defense and even the judge in this case. I feel like shes getting special treatment. It appears to me shes running the show which im not understanding.

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