Sentencings: You Got A DUI Because The Bar SERVED "Unregulated" Mixed Drinks?

Today, we have 2 sentencings for driving-related offences. In the first, we have an unlicensed driver and in the second we have a …


  1. Back in the late 1970's into the mid 1980's my dad use to own a bar.

    One thing bars Never do, is 'add' extra alcohol to a drink….it's measured for a reason – so the bar doesn't waste any profit. Adding extra alcohol just means going through a bottle of booze faster, not selling as many drinks from that bottle.

    If a customer wants to 'add more alcohol' into their system, then they just have to buy another glass of it, they don't get 'unregulated' amounts of booze in their mixed drinks.

  2. Thank you, you obviously put a lot of work into your content/channel and it's very appreciated.
    Hope you have a good weekend.
    : ) ☺ ☺ 👍 👍

  3. The defense sounds like a skit from Saturday night live "if he wasn't served unregulated mixed drinks and had only consumed regular mixed drinks he would not have been as drunk, so the cord should be easy on him.

  4. Another BS case where the guy gets a walk for driving without a license, while on probation. This should be treated as a serious offense. His mother should be hiding her face in shame.

  5. They care about the poppy seeds and CBD because they could cause a false positive on a drug test. Then the person could claim that they hadn’t taken drugs, they had only had poppy seeds or CBD. The court wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. This order eliminates that excuse.

  6. There’s absolutely no way they can prove they over poured his drinks at the time. Even if he could prove it he still drove intoxicated. “Black out “ drunk no matter if they over poured or mixed it perfectly he still drove intoxicated.

  7. Drinking and driving is a lot more serious than most people think it is. I believe that it should have a mandatory incarceration period.

  8. I really think that the limit for alcohol should be zero. So many people drink & think oh x amount & il be fine but aren't.
    Also people that drink heavily in the evening are often still over the limit in the morning & dont even consider it.

  9. wait I'm so confused, you're gonna run out of footage soon? are they not doing zoom court anymore, or is this specific judge retiring or something?

  10. No your wrong cause that happened to me twice .both times I was drugged the second time I had one beer next door to my house and woke up in a crazy lady house yea I was in the backroad mnts had to walk out

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