Lori Vallow… New Trial?

00:00 Docket 01:44 Lori Vallow… New Trial? 09:48 Ghislane Maxwell is learning that snitches get stitches 13:35 Alex Murdaugh is …


  1. Of course she wants a new trial. They ALWAYS want another trial. It’s like,why even put in your best effort to convict her if we already know we’re going to have to do this 2-3 times? It’s just not right. This is abuse of the system…when evidence is enough that we all know the defendant is actually guilty-the judge or A judge should be able to not allow the courts to waste any more time on this. Especially if the defendant is delusional.

  2. She will get the appeal She never waived speedy trial. The prosecution witnesses were allowed to make power point presentations about data that was biased to her guilt and I can’t even imagine all the other crap they can find. This is completely my thought as to the reason the defense did not even present her case. They knew she would get her appeal. All my own opinion and without emotion or my belief of her guilt. Doesn’t mean much.

  3. Scott in My Opinion Lori Recieved Ineffectual Counsel By Both Achivald & Thomas. & Loris Motion for New Trial Should Be Based on that Issue Alone Because Its Stronger & More Calid Issue

    Not That I think A New Trual Will Yeild A Dufferent Verdict. Lori DefinatelyCommitted Conspiracy on Tylee, Jj, Tammy & probaly Alexs Death Too

  4. Ghislane scared to fight, all that mouth she had for her victims but now scared, girl you better use your hands. I don't believe her put her butt in population so she will lean not to snitch. I be glad when evil Lori Daybell has her day once shipped off to prison. She being protected now but once in prison its over, she better call up portal potty.

  5. Hello handsome Scott….and beautiful Miss Winnie 🐶💙…i don't understand this utube. I have been subscribed to you since you started but last nite I saw that I was unsubed. I just subbed again but i did notice this wasn't the first time. I thought maybe i did it by mistake but now i know i didn't. I just find it odd. So loose brain Lorri wants a new trial….yea ok. She could have 20 trials..fact is she murdered her children and if you don't believe that then its conspiracy at the least. I would love to see someone criticize you Scott.,….layer lawyer lawyer. What a great video that would be….might get you to the 100 thousand mark. I would Love to see ypu knock down someone….not with your fists of course. You words would do justice enough. Oh for heavens sake you have show some respect for yourself. Stand up to people else they will scare you for ever. The worse that cam happen is a little beating thst the cops (co) stop before you get really hurt. Hell I'm almost 72 and i still would not let someone push me around. At my age what have i got to loose.🤪🤣. Dumb criminal for sure….and it's probably his house and he has to stay away. Thank you Scott. Great video.,🌼

  6. Lori imo is morally and currently legally guilty, HOWEVER, I honestly expect to see her freed sooner than later because of her constitutional right to a speedy trial being off by a solid 6 months. I don't want her to walk, yet I think the Court of Appeals is going to be stuck between a rock and a hard place because it is their duty to make sure her trial went according to the rights she is guaranteed. People always reply to me saying she doesnt deserve rights etc and sure thats probably true, BUT she has them, just like every US citizen or person prosecuted on US soil and not every person is guilty, she definitely is, the evidence said so, but the constitution may very well be enough to free her. If it was you or your family member and you were actually wrongfully accused (unlike lori) and you spent an extra 6 months waiting for your trial you would be very very upset especially when your right is infringed on. Since up until the jury came back and found Lori guilty, she was legally innocent, she should have had her rights followed. You can't change or bend the constitution for one person, then it can become case law that allows it to be done for any one who is accused. It also allows room for them to take and give other rights on an individual basis, which comepletely tosses out the need for a constitution at all.
    I am going to be devestated if this whackadoodle gets out because she is capable of so much more than she's already known to have done, but I will not at all be surprised by it. Perhaps giving her a new trial would waive these constitutional right infringements? I have no clue because I have never seen this happen before!

  7. You've lost another long-term viewer. Unsubscribed. Bad bias against prossies in the Lori Vallow case. You're a tough litigator with a huge chip on your shoulder. Step away.

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