Is using the terms indica, sativa, and hybrid to predict our cannabis experience backed by science??

When we go into a dispensary we often are looking for a product to make us feel a specific way. Often the terms indica, sativa, and …


  1. A few questions:

    1) How is the PCA graph not tautological? If the measured variables are terpene levels, and we know that certain terpenes are associated with one another, wouldnā€™t the PCA clustering just reflect those inputs? Am I missing something?

    2) Also, what about minor cannabinoids? Why look primarily at terpenes, compounds that we are relatively unsure about their psychoactivity, rather than cannabinoids?

    Apologies if these are explained in the article, I havenā€™t taken a look at it directly yet.

    Anyway, great explanation! Love the content and please keep on making quality, scientifically backed content!

  2. 16:48 very important graph here. Reflects the current Sativa / Indica-Hybrid dynamic at play in marketting strains, as well as the guesswork companies use to brand their flower at times.

  3. This is amazing, real science applied! Iā€™ve always struggled with the whole Indica/Sativa classification. The more intense high Iā€™ve always put down to THC% and my perception was that high THC strains are considered Indicas, but unfortunately in the UK without dispensaries, there is no THC content, or any other chemical/terp specified, or whether itā€™s an Indica/Sativa you have to just work it outā€¦.and you also donā€™t have an option or much of an option of what youā€™re getting and at times you donā€™t know the strain! Trying to get traction in a study like this outside the US, Canada and Amsterdam will be challengingā€¦well definitely over here.

    Iā€™d love to take part in this study so Iā€™ll try look out for the strain names you supplyā€¦ā€¦..Its an interesting hypothesis that the terps have a bigger effect on the high than the THC/CBD ratio.

    Is anyone trying to create any other classifications based on THC/CBD and the other chemicals, there has to be patterns there tooā€¦perhaps in conjunction with the Terp profiles. I appreciate this study used high THC content strains only, which makes this so interesting if we can classify the level of high through Terps and not THC or someoneā€™s opinion of the kind of high they felt. Please follow up on this in the months/years to come, it would be great if someone is collating peopleā€™s reactions in a more controlled way..

  4. Trying to do some research, and itā€™s surprising how many dispensaries donā€™t list terpene profiles on their site. Mostly just TAC, THC, and sometimes CBD%.

  5. great video! very informative and easy to follow. I knew from your tiktoks and other cannabis news sources that terpenes were what I should be paying attention to, but this video really helped me begin to understand why. i'm really trying to understand and be intentional about my cannabis usage, this sort of stuff should be talked about way more!!!

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