If These Predators Are Hungry They Will Eat You… Scary Stories Of Man vs Beast

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  1. The most heartbreaking story I ever heard about a bear attack That has been pretty recent a young Russian girl in her teens late teens actually was with her stepdad and the bear attacked them While she was being eaten alive she called her mother and begged her mother to stay on the phone with her she didn't wanna die alone her mom stayed on the phone with her as her daughter was beaten eating her mother said she could even hear the bones cracking how horrifying Eventually her daughter said mommy it doesn't hurt anymore and a few minutes later she finally passed away Bears are ruthless with their prey they never ever put them out of their misery they eat them alive It is absolutely the worst thing ever to watch A deer or a white hawk or any kind of animal for that matter goes through that it takes hours some time the bear just takes its time These things are demonic to their core they're just plain evil and heartless

  2. I believe in self defense and hunting animals. But I draw a line when it comes to wildlife tourists and the killing of animals. If it's a chance you're going to HAVE to shoot and kill the animal just for your business or entertainment then I believe their should be law's against it. I'm NOT an animal rights activist or anything but I do believe that animals have their place upon this earth and not just for looky loos carrying guns to put it down just because the animals are defending themselves.

  3. Let's also not forget that they are not allowed to make camp on the beach which they did there is a rule that they have to go at least over a hundred and fifty yards in away from the beach into wood wards. But the guys listen to the teenagers saying that they wanted to sleep on the beach and so they let them all sleep 15 feet in. That's all. Sad story all around.

  4. So it's actually Amur tigers that are the largest cats in the world 😁 I would recommend doing a podcast on the Amur (also known as the Siberian tiger) tiger that killed a man in Russia and goes on to commit very calculated attacks . It's a fascinating story about man and beast. Very well written. Would be a good story to do a deep dive into. (The Tiger by John Valiant)

  5. When I was a child we went to a place near Mount Rushmore called bear country usa and you could drive through and brown bears and grizzly bears could approach your vehicle. They had other wild animals as well but it was wild to see a bear standing up right next to my window. The sheer size is absolutely wild!

  6. I've had a couple family members be treated at Harborview. Its a great hospital, but I feel dread every time I hear of it. It's typically where they take bad cases to. I didn't think one of my brothers would make it out of there alive, the other was transported there from a wreck that killed our dad. Great place, but i hate it

  7. I have a slight obsession with panda bears and want to pet one so bad. I dont think a panda with maul me 😅😅😅 my friends say Im wrong 😂😂😂
    I will die happy then lol

  8. Unfortunately that snowboarder/bear video is fake but yes, I agree. Don’t wear headphones in the wild and always be aware of your surroundings and know what to look for.

  9. I have a friend and he was stationed in Greenland for 2 years. He said Summer was way harder to live in than winter as it was so hard to get to sleep when its always light out. Your body doesnt get it natural tiredness with constant light.

    Thus he said by late summer everyone on base was fighting constant insomina.

  10. I have zero sympathy for the Bear Hunter. You play silly games, you win silly prizes. But if I had to get attacked by one and my goal was to survive then I guess mountain lion. If my goal wasn't to survive Polar Bear. Quick and fatal.

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