Steve's amazing success with medical marijuana & epilepsy

Steve uses 2 form of cannabis oil orally to Stop his seizures: one made of a High CBD Rich Cannabis & the other High in THC …


  1. It makes total sense in what he taking, taking cbd oil in the morning to complete his day since it gives you great benefits with reducing seizures, reducing anti epilepsy medication so you keep at bay from the horrible side effects and the damage it does to your body organs, then the night time capsule with thc to help with insomnia and other benefits you can gain like come on doctor's and the fucking world will yee open up your fucking eyes, don't mean to use foul language but I'm also a person with epilepsy and have it 10 years this year and I'm 28 now and I can't even fuction through the day because the medication and side effects I suffer with it's just so depressing and hard to live with don't want to be dead before people open there eyes anyway medical marijuana all the way

  2. Wish I lived in a state where its available I'm in the UK and thanks to my government will surely die! Maybe u could post some?

  3. Hello Steve. I am so happy you found a combo that has worked for you. I am trying to find something that works for me to stop grand mal seizures. Does medical marijuana only help seizures if it is in oil form? Can it not be smoked or heated? Thank you.

  4. 21 years I have had a seizure disorder. Somewhat controlable but never fully controled. Lost jobs to it ER visits like yourself. Just broke my leg Two weeks ago on a seizure. Dr's of course say well what about this drug? 2018 and in CA medical marijuana is 100% leagal now! Gonna be trying my hand at CBD. Thanks for your share and lets give a farewell F you to big pharma!!!!!

  5. Thank you for this video. My son is about to start medical marijuana for his epilepsy. This is a very scary time for me but seeing this gives me hope.

    Much love,


  6. so u drink the oil or what? i gots epilepsy nothings worked for me yet sorry i was typing this at basically the beginning of the video 😛 i see 😛 im in Queensland australia its legel in nsw but not here my doctor thought i was talking shit 🙁 been on so many drugs its fucked been on 5 or more different types of pills

  7. I've had Epilepsy since 2004. Overall they're controlled through different pills. I've tried many including most recently Lamictal, Primedone and Klonopin. Although I don't have tonic clinic seizures while taking these maintenance meds, the side effects suck. This disease controls my life, my confidence, resulting in neurological deficits and anxiety. So, I can certainly empathize. I've been very interested and excited about the possibility of using a CBD product; however my state of Florida still hasn't legalized it.

    How do you feel taking the THC at night? Obviously this is going to cause a high which I'd rather avoid. But given the choice between western medicine and the side effects associated with them versus the benefits of medical marijuana, I'd choose the latter.

  8. For My son who has been on pharmaceuticals for 6 years without control linge them We have MED. MJ Card finally!
    Need to know if Steve meant his AM dose is The 2 High CBD RSO, And The 2 PM dose are High THC RSO capsules. First I thought He meant 1 AM High CBD, And 1PM High THC.

    Now I am so unsure Of what is meant. Steve, Please HELP me HELP My son. I see We Will Have to expérimenté with The variétés.
    Finally, do YOU JUICE tumeric and The CANNABIS plant? If YOU do, That is a very good idea. Or, was that Just something those doctors wrote.

    Many things Dr.'s wrote in My sons reports are questionable. Please answer, pls. Will Be so helpful.

  9. i have ms. and i use medical marijuana everyday. smoking eating drinking… i have some friends with epilepsy, and they have the same neurologist as me.. but he is refusing to perscribe them the medical canabis or the oils , what do we do

  10. Hi 🙂 I was diagnosed with epilepsy 3 years ago. I live in Perú so I can't get medicinal marihuana prescripted by a Doctor. I'm doing a research about it, I want to know how to get or produce the marihuana oil. Can I do it at home? Here in Lima I can't buy those products because they're still illegal. I'm having up to 2 seizures a month and I would like to try with marihuana. Thank You.

  11. Thank you for this video. I am using your testimony and videos on medical marijuana to show my family and hopefully my older brothers Doctors that he can be seizure free without all of the synthetic meds. I just wonder if you know what affects it would have on someone that also suffers from paranoid schizophrenia. It would be great if it could fix both, but for some reason I doubt that. But even just getting the seizures under control might make it a lot easier for them to diagnose the schizo and other mental disorders and the best way to approach their treatments. Again, Thank you so much for this video!

  12. I am very happy for you! And I also can appreciate your response. In my opinion I don't think there are enough people that have tried both dietary changes AND the medical cannabis products. I'm glad that you have achieved benefits from the cannabis and also that the diet helped while you were on it. There are a billion ways to skin a cat eh? 🙂

  13. I use a high CDB strain called "cannatonic", I smoke it, and use a high CBD tincture that has 5mg of both CBD and THC per dose. I've had some horrible experiences with the pharmaceuticals, including rashes, and doing things with no memory of doing so. (Like ordering stuff off of infomercials.)

  14. Think of having 4 seizures a month, and the keto diet brings it down to 2, but high CBD brings it down to zero. I can so relate to this guy! I smoke a high CBD strain, and take a tincture orally. CBD does not get me high. I have not had a seizure since i started taking the CBD, getting close to 3 months…yes!

  15. Steve, very pleased for you. Spent the night in the ER with my 28 year old epileptic son who now dislocates his shoulder when he has a tonic colonic seizure. We are wondering if this can be shipped to Ontario or if we could cross the border and purchase it from a dispensory? Can get the medical marijuana permit from his doctor, so that should help. Many thanks for any inputs from you or this group.

  16. I would never put anyone I care about on those anti seizure meds, my questioning really was to figure out what other holistic practices he used as well. I'm glad he's found something that works for him. I use the oil for topical skin issues and as you know it works for a variety of ailments. Just trying to understand your statement earlier, which I may have taken out of context.

  17. Oh okay, it's just that the poster said that the only thing that worked across the board is the oil. This is good to know nonetheless. I was just a little confused. I hadn't heard of Cannology but am glad to know the oil works for him; I was just curious about the diet because I've heard so many good things about it with people that have horrible seizures.

  18. I am Steve's wife. We are absolutely not saying it is the only thing that works across the board. However, cannabis is probably the most effective anti epileptic. Everyone has different solutions. That's the beauty with herbal and natural remedies, they do not affect all people in the same way. When we say it helped a little, it was a reduction of one or two seizures. We have a friend also that cannabis oil does not work for, and he's found a solution that is a capsule called Cann-ology.

  19. The ketogenic diet helped some but did not reduce them much? Well if it helped some then how can you say it didn't reduce the seizures that much? I'm glad the oil worked for him, but think about others who get drug tested on the job. There has to be other herbal alternatives or dietary modifications to help people out of this,,,or do you think cannabis oil is the ONLY way?

  20. I can't find the information as to what is going on in the courts re this. Medical Marijuana is illegal in Australia ans so we have to go underground to be on it. I am just starting this journey for my tonic clonics. They don't happen everyday but even once a month is too bloody often for what;s involved 🙂 Bless Steve

  21. I very much hope that while you fight to remain seizure free in the court system you do not have to stop taking the only thing that has keep you seizure free. My prays are with you Steve.

    Drug Enforcement Administration
    In The Matter Of
    Docket No. 86-22
    FRANCIS L. YOUNG, Administrative Law Judge
    DATED: SEPTEMBER 6, 1988

  23. Its the Endocannabinoid system, we all have one (although doctors are not tought about it), & cannabis is full of different types of cannabinoids that treat &/or cure many different diseases. Non-psychoactive CBD stops hundreds of daily seizures in children with Dravet syndrome, so it has nothing to do with slowing reflexes .Look up the US patents:
    US 6630507 B1 -Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants.
    US Patent 20130059018 -Phytocannabinoids in the treatment of cancer.

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