How to END Seizures (Epilepsy) Once and For All

The ketogenic diet has been used for people with seizures or epilepsy for many years. Find out why!


  1. My 24 year old daughter suffered a Tonic (grand mal) seizure a few days ago. She had never had a seizure in her life. I’m am trying to understand how this happened. The doctor said these types of seizures are normal and can happen once and then never happen again. That’s scary to me. I need to know the why behind this because it was pretty traumatic for her and everyone who witnessed this. Help!

  2. Where is the link for the really good high fat diet mentioned by Dr. Berg at the end of the video? Dr. Berg team please provide the link. Thanks for all the help Dr. Berg.

  3. My daughter is 15 with intractable epilepsy due to a brain tumor (inoperable). Do you have any advise on a LGG or a brain tumor you can’t operate on? Chemo made her seizures out of control and she was in ICU twice. We need help.

  4. My daughter is 6 years old she had two seizures that we know of . Because she had them as she sleep 💔 . So I don’t know if I miss some . They was quick put her on medication . With so many side effects I’m not putting on her on any medication. These Doctors 🥼 love turning people into a lab 🐀👀 . And mess you up even more…. Thank for this information.?

  5. First of all, the ketogenic diet for pediatric epilepsy is not “dirty” keto. I’m unsure where you are getting your information from, but it is incorrect.

    I have a child with treatment resistant epilepsy and know all about this. As a parent who has lived in this world of epilepsy for over 10 years. I caution you to be careful about not providing correct information to new parents who are already very stressed.

  6. Thank you dr obulor for helping me cure my epilepsy completely with your herbs medication, I'm glad I came across your channel on YouTube💌…

  7. Thank you dr obulor for helping me cure my epilepsy completely with your herbs medication, I'm glad I came across your channel on YouTube💌…

  8. @DrEricBergDC PLEASE I want you to share this information… A lot of people who take epilepsy medicaiton, or even stress supplements like ashwagandha.. They start having muscle spasms as a side effect. Magnesium cures that. I'm talking from experience… This can change the life of many people and as far as i know even DRs don't know this

  9. Its not just "uncontrollably shaking and unconsciousness" the worst part is they can't breath, their lips turn blue, eyes roll back in their head, their face turns ash white as the blood drains from their face and they look like they are dying fast! It is a traumatizing and horrific experience to watch someone you love go through this…particularly when its your child.

  10. I had convulsions sometime after birth. The best drug at the time (80s) i was given to quell the convulsions, was phenobarbital. They stopped but shortly after that, I was diagnosed with anxiety at age 5.

    After switching to the LCHF diet after almost two years, I finally noticed some differences. My back issues are gone, no more aches and pains, wieght loss, more energy, my anemia is better, my mind feels sharper (got off my cholesterol meds as well), hangry episodes are gone, but ultimately my anxiety has improved drastically.

  11. I've been aware of this for ever and I don't find the courage to do it… Stopping drinking alcohol when I was a student feeling like partying was already tough… But I feel I need to do this. Never bread, no rice, no chocolate, man how difficult… I feel like writing them a letter to tell them how much they will be missed…

  12. I need help yall😭 my husband has a traumatic brain injury and epilepsy and he is on medication and had a bad seizure this morning and i just dont know what to do, i hate that i cannot help him and that i cannot take his seizures away‼️‼️‼️ someone PLEASE help..his neurologist sucks and has almosy killed him TWICE now with medication and we have an appointment to meet with a new neurologist but thats not until September, idk what to do anymore😭😭😭😭😭

  13. As both a health care professional and someone who experiences seizures, the information you are spreading is very dangerous. No one should be giving advice about seizures other than a neurologist.

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