1. at first i thought this was another movie about pot smoking lifestyle have you seen the PINEAPPLE EXPRESS stupid movie unless you're into that scene
    if you haven't i'm sure you can google search it then you will see what i mean when i said stupid i really mean it if your a doper then its right your ally
    when the guy says nobody is making sure that some guy toenails aren't in hear i cracked up laughing !!!! is it that bad ????

  2. lol at saying weed is 5x stronger now than when it was legalized. maybe if you were smoking brick weed back then. some of the weed back then was better than it is today. that wasnt even that long ago lmao.

  3. This doc is total boof. These guys have no idea what they are talking about. There are so many things I heard in this doc that were all untrue total lies. This was an opinion based doc with no real proffesionals answering the questions. Theyre asking people who dont even know what they are talking about. They didn't use enough real consumers this is all hearsay. LMAO

  4. Kinda funny. They make things up to get rid of cannabis. They go after it like it was a serial killer. What we should go after is things we know will kill you. Alcohol and cigarettes. Yet we promote those products.

  5. THC levels are higher now but the fact that marijuana has been altered and changed on a molecular level; genetically modified, this means that the high you get now is not the same as it once was when marijuana was illegal. I say this with experience.. The weed they're producing these days is nowhere the same as it once was.

  6. I live in Texas and now days most of the weed we see here is from Colorado instead of Mexico like ten years ago. I've smoked for 40 years and I'm just not a fan of this high THC weed that makes you stupid and it costs five times or more the price of of the Mexican weed. I can't hardly find Mexican weed anymore and now the dicks have been contaminating weed by transporting it with fentenal etc. Can't win.

  7. The entire industry, with it's over regulation, taxes and restrictions. Was founded on wickedness and greed. The ones looking to cash in caused this.

    Should have removed any and all criminal aspects while moving forward with message of anti use. Though our media, movies and actors have made it fun to smoke dope for years.

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