Cannabis: Uses and Risks | Dr. Andrew Huberman | The Tim Ferriss Show #shorts

Tim Ferriss is one of Fast Company’s “Most Innovative Business People” and an early-stage tech investor/advisor in Uber, …


  1. Andrew is cringy. I've showed this clip to three other neuropsychaistrists and they all disagreed and said the evidence is nowhere close to conclusive. At this point he is just giving people added anxiety.

  2. I had to stop smoking weed because for about 3 years in my early 20's I had weed psychosis episodes, they would resolve the next day but I would hear things and disassociate with intense anxiety/paranoia. Wish I could use a little to calm down once in a while but I don't miss it.

  3. I'm 50 now n have been smoking weed pretty much everyday since 14yrs of age n I ain't all foggy in the head,no mental health issues. It ain't as bad as booze n tobacco n that shits legal

  4. Your body is a war zone for a Catholic it's a war zone for a Christian it's a war zone for the police your body's a war zone for all of the religions the white-skinned is a war zone for the Indian people and all of their plagiarism

  5. I can certainly attest to this.
    Smoked 2 bong rips @ 17 yrs old.
    Became “detached” from my body/reality in a way. Picture a video game lagging. Not fun whatsoever.

    The affect were intense for about a month. Manageable for about 6 months. And would intermittently “flare-up” ever so often. Leading to social anxiety, and panic attacks.

    I wasn’t really the same until about 3 years later.

    No bueno. You have to be very careful with these psychoactive substances at a young age.

    Not laced, all my friends smoked the same stuff.

    It put me in a really dark place, and all my friends just laughed and said “man I wish I could be stoned for months!”

    Proceed with caution.

  6. 😂Rasta community's have no disorders like western culture….Jeeeez wonder why. Your problems are yours alone, internal. Stop blaming cannabis. The major problem with society is cannabinoid deficiencies. Smoke your greens and eat them too!🎉🎉🎉🎉

  7. 😂Rasta community's have no disorders like western culture….Jeeeez wonder why. Your problems are yours alone, internal. Stop blaming cannabis. The major problem with society is cannabinoid deficiencies. Smoke your greens and eat them too!🎉🎉🎉🎉

  8. I’d like to explore the reason why the 4x increase in probability occurs. My theory would be that those using extremely high doses of thc are very likely to build an extreme tolerance to the high, therefore moving onto other compounds that could cause psychosis, in essence it’s the lifestyle that goes along with high dosage thc use that causes the increased probability of psychosis, because I really am failing to see how thc can cause psychosis itself

  9. So I started smoking since I was 19 then smoked heavily around age 23-25. Heavily being about 2 8ths a week when I had the money for it. I did get an agoraphobia type condition and always felt kinda uncomfortable around people. It culminated at age 29 when I could barely function in a work setting around people. Got so desperate that I went to an Ayahuasca ceremony. The trip basically helped me to see that childhood Trauma was the foundation of my shy personality. I'm in a weird spot now. But Im telling this story to point out that there may be nuance when it comes to why certain conditions may manifest. Pinning a mental condition to being sparked by a single substance seems like an over simplification. Dr. Huberman is still legit in my book. He has been trained to look at the science so I understand why he may draw these conclusions.

  10. As a psychiatrist I’ve stopped counting the people in late teens / early 20’s with a family history of psychosis I’ve tried to educate on the benefits AND risks who just want to tell me “it’s natural….” And who’s research is erowid and not actual data.

    Best book with no promise other than to spit data: “Buzzed: the straight facts…”

  11. Charlotte's web is just 1 specific "strain" (strain is a misnomer when it comes to cannabis) of high cbd cannabis.

    Unless you're in a completely illegal state, most people can find cbd flower online, though obviously ymmv depending on the legitimacy of the vendor you use

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