Which Is Worse: Marijuana or Alcohol? | Dr. Daniel Amen

One of the most common things people want to know is whether alcohol or marijuana is worse for your brain and overall health.


  1. At the bottom line, both are worse than being sober. One makes you relaxed, creative, and lazy while also messing up your lungs. The other makes you social, dumber, and woozy but causes more driving accidents and deaths.
    TLDR: Pick your poison, don't compare them

  2. Wait I get your point marijuana might have aged the brain more rapidly, but did the brain decay more rapidly with marijuana or alcohol cuz when I drink my brain and thoughts are all mushed when I smoke I can organize my thoughts and even help any physical pains such as crampsā€¦ now when Iā€™m ā€œsoberā€ no drinking or no smoking I get suicidal kind of depressed and yes Iā€™ve had zoloft, lexapro, and wellbutrain all while sober and none really helped, I would feel less depressed but not like when Iā€™m smoking I have made the decision to instead of taking big pharma drugs Iā€™ll just take a more natural drugā€¦.

    Ps.: I did go off track but I meant to say aging the brain more rapidly would just mean more knowledge in less time šŸ˜Š thereā€™s always a bright side in everythingā€¦ specially when youā€™re high

  3. For when you said ā€œneither of them is good for youā€, I use it entirely for medical purposes. Itā€™s not supposed to be for everyone, just like how coffee isnā€™t for me because I get nauseous.

  4. It's BEYOND annoying when EVERYTHING is generalized. Some people benefit from marijuana….if it make people feel better, who cares if it ages the brain. Who the hell needs to live to be super old anyway??????

  5. I can tell you as a ā€œuserā€ of these products, I have witnessed myself. Some people drink too much and do crazy things drunk driving accidents, DUIā€™s, fights, public disturbances, getting kicked out of clubs , getting sick, throwing up, hang overs. Sometimes getting plastered isnā€™t even worth it. I can just get high cause thereā€™s literally no bad side to getting high except your eyes being red. Let me say this I have never had to carry my friends ā€œhighā€ ass home before cause he had to much to ā€œsmokeā€ but you always gotta carry that one drunk friend.

    Also medical cannabis is now legal for pets in Texas. You can buy capsuleā€™s or treats used as a natural pain reliever.

    I thought this was pretty cool because I rather treat a animal in pain with medical cannabis over any other pain killers. Most pain killers are opioids and are hard on the liver and kidneys if taken for long periods of time. I also thought this was interesting to see Texas have something legal like this because as a resident of Texas I know the laws here and they are very strict about weed. Iā€™ve always said Texas will be one of the last states to legalize it even if everyone else does. A recent law changed in Texas as of April 2023 that allows adults 21 years or older to purchase or possess up to a two ounce maximum limit. And growing up here I can say thatā€™s how itā€™s always been Iā€™ve been caught a couple times smoking and if itā€™s a small amount they donā€™t even care, usually if you have more than a ounce or two they will stop you and most likely just give you a ticket for it and confiscate your weed. If itā€™s over two ounces they can take you to jail and probably even try to charge you for distribution if they can. They are strict here in Texas about weed but the laws are changing and itā€™s beautiful.

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