DISASTER Strikes On Our FARM In Rural Thailand.. Not Looking Good 😩🇹🇭

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  1. Hope you are all doing well 🙏
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  2. My stepdad worked at a hog lot back in the states and if a pig ever tasted blood they’d have to kill the pig. He said they become like “addicted” and they’d actually attack people.

    Oh FYI in the old west days in the states the outlaws would feed dead bodies to the pigs to get rid of the evidence since pigs eat anything even the bones.

  3. I always enjoy watching your video n always learn something new.I didn't know that 🐖 eats chicken.Otis is so cute n smart boy,and baby Hugo growing up so fast .Love your family,stay blessed.

  4. Hi Ryan, can you please give me the shop number and address where you ordered your chickens from. I'm in need of an extra 10 hens more urgently than hatching them myself, and I'm struggling to find any in the Ta Phraya area. As far as protecting your chickens, I would advise you get a rooster to put with your flock, I've got a tame 18 week old Rhode Island Red rooster, that I could let you have, if you're interested.

  5. Good day, Ryan. Sorry for the loss of your chickens. I definitely know that aggravation of that particular loss. You don't truly appreciate the eggs you get until you are not getting them. My culprit was "man's best friend, not chickens. It did show me what modifications I needed to make to the coop. I restricted my dogs access to the amount of yard he gets to wander. I hope that you do not get that headache again.

  6. If I were you that pig would be in the oven with an apple in its mouth! I never understood why you would want to keep pigs as pets anyway, they are ugly smelly creatures. Breed for meat, sure but pets ???

  7. Hi there dude yes pigs will and get craving like a pregnant woman and will kill for rockyroad ice-cream. Don't turn your back on them.

  8. So sad about the poor little chickens! I agree with a person above about not letting Lulu near the little piglets! Love the videos with the whole family in them!!!! Hugs to all!

  9. What a stupid attitude by YouTube ! THC is the chemical that authorities are concerned about not CBD which you can buy on the high street in most countries.
    Do we need such tight censorship on what is an informative discussion – it’s not like it’s a vlog on the crucifixion of puppies or being an advocate for Boris Johnson to be awarded the Noble prize for non-fiction literature
    Big brother is always watching you.

  10. Regarding yt metrics…. specifically views x subs/non subs > hate to break it to ya but a fair amt of your subs are bots/ai accts > of course it's the same for all channels as yt rewards with Subs based on a few metrics …how consistent you're with uploads, etc.

    It's similar re views too > they give you views as well based in variables.

    Regardless….yt metrics aren't to be trustsd period!

    Aa you say. …yt is a strange landscape….indeed they like to reward awfully silly things while systematically suppressing what can be viewed as your best content.

  11. The Mafia used to dispose of bodies in pig farms, probably still do😮
    I guess it's natural for animals to eat other animals. Maybe it's time to eat some chicken tasting pork😅

  12. What an opening monologue.
    Its a Soliloquy 💚💎💥

    Maybe it knew it was wrong but it's not intentional harm or malevolence, right? The moral of the story is obvious. What the not-so-obvious fundamental?

  13. Your wife is so much like mine. There's certain passivity, calmness, conflict avoidance and agreeability. Their demeanor is similar too. Must be a personality archetype, + cultural elements since my wife is also from rural issan. Cheers ❤

  14. Little Birds are dining

    Warily and well,

    Hid in mossy cell:

    Hid, I say, by waiters

    Gorgeous in their gaiters —

    I’ve a Tale to tell.

    Little Birds are feeding

    Justices with jam,

    Rich in frizzled ham:

    Rich, I say, in oysters

    Haunting shady cloisters —

    That is what I am.

    Little Birds are teaching

    Tigresses to smile,

    Innocent of guile:

    Smile, I say, not smirkle —

    Mouth a semicircle,

    That’s the proper style.

    Little Birds are sleeping

    All among the pins,

    Where the loser wins:

    Where, I say, he sneezes

    When and how he pleases —

    So the Tale begins.

    There was a Pig that sat alone

    Beside a ruined Pump:

    By day and night he made his moan —

    It would have stirred a heart of stone

    To see him wring his hoofs and groan,

    Because he could not jump.

    A certain Camel heard him shout —

    A Camel with a hump.

    “Oh, is it Grief, or is it Gout?

    What is this bellowing about?”

    That Pig replied, with quivering snout,

    “Because I cannot jump!”

    That Camel scanned him, dreamy-eyed.

    “Methinks you are too plump.

    I never knew a Pig so wide —

    That wobbled so from side to side —

    Who could, however much he tried,

    Do such a thing as jump!

    “Yet mark those trees, two miles away,

    All clustered in a clump:

    If you could trot there twice a day,

    Nor ever pause for rest or play,

    In the far future — Who can say? —

    You may be fit to jump.”

    That Camel passed, and left him there,

    Beside the ruined Pump.

    Oh, horrid was that Pig’s despair!

    His shrieks of anguish filled the air.

    He wrung his hoofs, he rent his hair,

    Because he could not jump.

    There was a Frog that wandered by —

    A sleek and shining lump:

    Inspected him with fishy eye,

    And said “O Pig, what makes you cry?”

    And bitter was that Pig’s reply,

    “Because I cannot jump!”

    That Frog he grinned a grin of glee,

    And hit his chest a thump.

    “O Pig,” he said, “be ruled by me,

    And you shall see what you shall see.

    This minute, for a trifling fee,

    I’ll teach you how to jump!

    “You may be faint from many a fall,

    And bruised by many a bump:

    But, if you persevere through all,

    And practise first on something small,

    Concluding with a ten-foot wall,

    You’ll find that you can jump!”

    That Pig looked up with joyful start:

    “Oh Frog, you are a trump!

    Your words have healed my inward smart —

    Come, name your fee and do your part:

    Bring comfort to a broken heart,

    By teaching me to jump!”

    “My fee shall be a mutton-chop,

    My goal this ruined Pump.

    Observe with what an airy flop

    I plant myself upon the top!

    Now bend your knees and take a hop,

    For that’s the way to jump!”

    Uprose that Pig, and rushed, full whack,

    Against the ruined Pump:

    Rolled over like an empty sack,

    And settled down upon his back,

    While all his bones at once went “Crack!”

    It was a fatal jump…….. Lewis Carrol (1832-1898)

  15. You guys seem to be doing well, plant medicines if they work are medicine. I helped a friend end alcoholism by giving him kratom 3x a day. He stopped drinking straight away, kratom makes alcohol unpleasant, suffered no withdrawal and put down kratom 6 mth later. With kratom he was able to do what was impossible for him before. He does not drink still 6mths after he stopped kratom.
    I drop in to watch, i am a full time single dad of 2 in isaan, my life is barely controlled chaos at best…but i am an old punk rocker not a jazz muso so i am ok with that.
    Its nice to see others at home here…because it is our home.
    Metta to your family bro.

  16. Pigs will eat anything even human excrement, dangerous because piggy has tasted blood, invite villages for spit roast without becoming too philosophical about the life of a pig, doesn't seem like a friendly pig around little kids. Breed your own chickens mate 😂😊🙏🤑

  17. That is CRAZY 😜 Marijuana, CBD or any and Every way U might call it is becoming well USED by MOST Doctors and especially in my Country 🇺🇸….I have a Spine Disease and it’s severe ALL of my Doctors have given me Permission but it’s a problem I tried smoking it
    Can’t stand the taste or Smell or even the way I feel…. I hated the way It made me feel I’ve been Drunk before and there’s no
    Comparison to what the marijuana made me feel I can’t say I felt good because I didn’t….
    That that’s not the point this Marijuana helps so many people and should be accessible to everyone that needs it. There’s people with anxiety problems that this plant helps…..We are living in different times now and it’s time that others catch UP….
    U live a BEAUTIFUL Life and I have to say like myself to be a little jealous because Our World 🌍 isn’t KIND and I’m afraid it’s only going to
    Get Worse…..
    Sending Love 💕 from Virginia 🌹

  18. I am 71 years old and use Kratom daily for pain and energy.. I would partake in the devi'l's lettuce as well if it were legal where I live.😜

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