The Truth About CBD Oil & The Youtube Bannings & It's Advertisers

There has been a ton of mis-information going around, specifically purported by the companies selling this one product.


  1. CBD Fans, don't be butthurt. If it works for you I am happy. I shared my personal experiences with the product. I also went out of my way to say that there IS evidence of it working for SOME things. It's just not a miracle cure.

  2. Look
    I have been taking it for 2 month
    And studied it well
    He is what I say
    It’ works for anxiety not depression
    Because depression needs energy not relaxing medication
    For depression
    Only tramadol works
    Cbd oil for anxiety is great
    But wait
    What are you buying
    I bought 3 products
    2 had no cbd in it
    One did like it said
    Now how much are you taking
    You need to study this
    1000 mg with 10% cbd is good
    But for pain
    You need 20 %
    It does work
    But need more studies on dosage
    But my experience
    It’s working great
    I add tramadol at times for energy

  3. Yes you are correct sir. This CBD is a marketing tool. It really doesn't work except for minor pains but not chronic and it is more of a placebo because so much of the masses are like that. It's all about the money that these people are wanting to make because they are lying to you.

  4. Let me inform you: a therapeutic dose is between 100-200mg daily. How much were you using daily? It is a miracle drug, however 88% of 320 products of CBD oil contain zero, or far less cbd than as labeled (and even if it was as labeled, 95% of people trying it are taking freaking microdoses!). CBD saved my neices life from imminent death, when NO other drug would work! And it is the closest thing to a cure all there is, no joke. HOWEVER, the market is being setup to fail for economic reason, it's called controlled opposition. The people are being decieved as always. No easy way to tell if it's real or not is absolutely the biggest issue. And the avg daily dose being marketed is about 4-9% of a therapeutic dose, because therapeutic daily doses would price 95% of potential customers out of the market. Just for example, my niece was on 250mg 2x daily. Taking 250mg once over an entire month is what the average prospect of cbd is hoping to see results from.

    It is like saying I heard antibiotics were some miracle drug so I bought some and took 20mg of amoxicillin every day for two weeks and it didn't work. And then assume its snake oil.

    If anyone has any serious questions about cbd, hit me up.

  5. I would advise you do some research before you speak about something you do not know. Your anecdotal evidence does not support the scientific research. If you suffer from anxiety or depression it is really helpful. Be sure to get CBD from a reputable source.

  6. It's hard to find a company that sells potent CBD oil for a fair price. I went through a few sources until I found Crown Century – A company that actually tests each batch and shares the lab results. When cannabis wasn't handy I turned to vaping their CBD oil and found it very helpful in relaxing.

  7. It’s natural not compared to other synthetics like Tylenol, Aspirin. You mentioned you did not take it consecutively…… I understand people are in a microwave society and want results now.

  8. Well I mean, to be fair, not everyone is going to react to everything the same way, you can't discount that just because it didn't work for you, and it's not schedule one drug…but also when it comes to supplementing it's buyer beware, read into it, research it, find studies with credited sources and also talk with your dr, nothing is a cure all and or one size fits all

  9. CBD doesn't work for everybody. But that's with any medication. Medical marijuana including CBD topical and tincture has been an absolute blessing for me. I've lost 130 lbs. I can move again. My anxiety is low. I'm sorry that it didn't work for you, but it truly is a miracle for some people.

  10. I don't think people are saying it cures cancer…It's good for cancer patients that are going through chemo to help with the vomiting and pains that come along with it.

  11. It’s the same thing with essential oils. Sure, it smells nice and relaxes you sometimes but most of them like the citrusy oils only help because of the vitamin C and other things contained within citrusy fruits. My mother had terrible kidney stones. She took drops of the stuff in her water for days. Had three days of unending pain but went back to the doc and all the kidney stones had come out over those days. Could have been a coincidence but she still uses it and hasn’t had a kidney stone since. My theory is that it’s the fact it’s lemon, and lemon might have a way of helping that. Oils aren’t curalls. At most, lavender and peppermint help relax you. Lavender is known to help that kind of stuff but it’s not gonna cure cancer for god’s sake.

  12. Did I get this straight? You can get a list on what is officially banned from gloggel ads, but the YT list is a secret? How is anyone supposed to follow rules you can't even know?

  13. Easy pal. Pot needs to be legalized and regulated. Its barely legalized and not regulated so easy to point out the flaws. Ive smoked pot for years and have never had a conversation about cbd oil? Must me a american thing.

  14. The problem with natural health products is you have to use them for a fair amount of time before you'll notice if they work or not but if you believe all the hype and misinformation you should live forever which is not going happen so most of it is a making racket

  15. I personally feel less anxiety if I take it. Much like vitamin b but I’m sure it works differently. So since you don’t notice any major effects from vitamin b would you say vitamin b is snake oil?

  16. If I may make a suggestion. For muscle or joint pain. CBD is best applied topically, like a muscle rub. & you don't have to go out & buy a muscle rub that already has CBD in it, you can mix it with something like Tiger Balm, or you can mix it into your favorite lotion. For it to treat pain orally, you have to take some very high doses. I also find that if you put it under your tongue & just let it sit there, it gets into your system faster. Because if you take it orally, it has to go through your digestive system.

  17. The issue with CBD is, there is no regulation or standardization of the hemp or processing, on top of the outlandish claims. The cancer and other claims are being stolen from certain strains of THC/CBD products. Some CBD companies are honest that their product isn't a cure all, but can have some benefits, and some do. But it's very hard without lots of research to filter through the snake oil and legitimate products. I agree, they ought not be buying adverts without any vetting or honesty unencumbered.

  18. This is a somewhat misinformed video. Yes im sure there are poor brands and out right lies as can be for any product. But cbd oil and cannabis oil are seperate and i think these two are being mixed up. Cannabis oil uses the thc in it to help with siezures. Theres also alot of scientific data to back up certain aspects such as cabinoids which does help with anti inflammatory, which does help against cancer, similer way spices can too but in a stronger way. As for the snake oil salesman ok ur on it fine, but ur half assed on the cbd oil.

  19. Now introducing Placebo TM! In some studies, drugs like Placebo have done just as well as morphine at relieving pain but without the negative side effects and risk of addiction. You can safely leave bottles of our special blend Placebo at home without fear of your children or pets being harmed by our all-natural, non-toxic ingredients. Look at these real quotes from real doctors!
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  20. Hemp oil is trying to rely on the ignorance of the population. It's as medicinal as wearing a hemp bracelet. It smells nice and probably just soothes through skin like any oil or salon pas patches people already put on their sore muscles.

  21. The real question is "Was YouTube up front with the content creators, telling them of their objection and giving them the opportunity to correct their video? Or, was YouTube a dipshit yet again, overreacting and playing mind games with the content creators?"

  22. Eh, last video from this channel from me. I’ve enjoyed watching a slightly above average IQ normie talk about his hobbies being subverted with a Marxist political agenda, but like Sargon of Akkad and the sceptic (pun intended) community at large, you are completely incapable of meaningfully fighting back against it. Your fatal mistake is that you accept the point of reference the left comes from as valid. Marxism, and especially Cultural Marxism, are natural evolutions of classical liberalism. No Social Contract then no Dictatorship of the Proletariat. Who do you think Marx read?

  23. As I watch this video I see 3 listing advertising it. More importantly why are they attacking tubers and not telling them why… They should just say take that ad out, tuber takes it out… Matter closed

  24. Hey brother, i know u mentioned it partly in your video but I would not assess all cbd oil from the stuff you bought from one vendor. I manage a chain of vape shops and we also carry cbd products, just in ordering for my stores I've come across alot of this unfortunately. It happens always that some companies will try to get away with selling either extremely week or fake products because the product is not fda regulated or held to qc standards. What I can say is that over the last 5 years Ive seen CBD products that I have personally verified before selling(much as you mentioned trying b4 accepting sponsorship) help alot of people.From children with seizures or terrets, to 80+ year old looking for non opioid pain relief. I enjoy your channels and usually feel you are fair in most assessments you make, where I can understand your frustration w those close to you being personally affected by these dishonest CBD sponsors I think you should look into some of the more reputable sources of cbd products before you start calling it snake oil. I am in no way affiliated with either company but 2 I could direct you to are Palmetto Harmony and Port City Re-Leaf for actual medical grade all organic no BS CBD products.

  25. First off your anecdotal evidence is not proof of anything. Cbd oil has as much proof that it works as any other pharmaceutical product. Clinical trials just dont happen anymore the way you think. There is Absolutely no drug that works the same way for everyone. If they want to ban one type of drug advert they need to ban all. Other than that you are correct.

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