Recreational marijuana use will eventually be legalized: Cannabis company CEO

Acreage Holdings CEO Kevin Murphy joins “Squawk Box” to discuss where the United States stands in the stage of transitioning …


  1. Quit prolonging the inevitable and just legal it nashon wied if in can help cancer patients it can do the same for covid 19. I have be smoking it for ten years and havent ben sick yet

    Richard Shelby REPUBLICAN, Alabama,Mitch Mcconnell REPUBLICAN, Kentucky,Ted Cruz REPUBLICAN of Texas,Tom Carpenter Democrat if Delaware,Susan Collins (R-ME,Marco Rubio (R-FL),James Lankford (R-OK),US Surgeon General,Jeremy Adams,Azar is the former president of the U.S. division of Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly and Company, one of the country's largest drug corporations,Jeff Sessions.
    Other Enemies of the Cannabis Community;Geneseo, N.Y. – Local law enforcement officials from across our area gathered in Livingston County Thursday to voice their opposition to the legalization of marijuana in New York State.  Tom Cotton. the Republican Party.The circle of people on Capitol Hill who will decide if cannabis legislation passes is actually pretty small. There are three names that are continually listed — by lobbyists, advocates, and lawmakers — as the gatekeepers to any federal cannabis legislation: Republican Senators Mike Crapo (ID), Lindsey Graham (SC), and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (KY).
    You are the People that can Weed them out!!!
    Vote this Year!!!
    This Our Nation!
    We are not Russian Toys!
    We are not Chinese Sheeple!
    Take Your Country Back to a Constitutional Government!!!

  3. when our new generation gets in government weed will be legaliced all old people are just brainwashed thinking weed is bad and the sad thing is they still teach that in school

  4. To the female on this video clearly this woman drinks. An estimated 88,000 men and women died from alcohol-related causes, making alcohol the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States. NIH

  5. And if that's the case and you are so worried about American smoke then why is tobacco legal it causes I tell you because y'all just want control you don't care if tobacco causes cancer and kills many many many many people you just don't want marijuana legalized that is the fact prohibition it is the past it's time to legalize marijuana stop the dump perdition propaganda crap I have a habit of smoking tobacco I never had a habit of smoking marijuana marijuana has benefits tobacco has cancer so you can't for American you can't call harbor University a liar you can't call those who studied it a liar so what is the problem the problem is y'all just won't convictions

  6. Hurry up, and legalize in Texas, hurry up before another person goes to jail… On the other hand, they get in jail or prison for "driving under the influence of anything". We have been waiting for it..

  7. If you can't live without it(which may actually be true in this chemical's case) it isn't entirely inaccessible. But it will involve some work and I won't tell you any more. Start your research and you may piece the story together.
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    At all pocket friendly prices.
    Contact :
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  8. But you guys missed tobacco. Tobacco is responsible for many deaths. It’s healthier to smoke weed everday then it is to smoke a cigarette. Both bad cause your smoking but weed is the better choice and like they said there’s other forms of delivery.


    concentrated smoke like weed. it does not allow the lungs to heal.
    vaping dabbing and even regular ital smoking destroys ur lungs. only recently
    did folks start doing this all day long everyday. years from now like sunny
    delight the drink in England results will show what im saying.

    In December 1999, according to a report by BBC News, the negative
    publicity escalated when a Sunny Delight television commercial showing a
    snowman turning orange was released, at about the same time as reports of a
    four year old girl who experienced her skin turning orange – due to the
    product's use of beta-Carotene for color – after drinking an estimated 1.5 litres
    of Sunny Delight a day.

    Ginny pigs a?

  10. Do you notice they talk of smoking weed, but not of the true hemp oil that seems to cure cancer as told by many people on youtube. It's the oil extract from weed that is ingested. I doesn't have to be smoked.

  11. To educate the ignorant inhaling anything is not a smart idea because your long is the most sensitive area are near body easily damaged by some of the most minor Particulates The separation between that and marijuana is marijuana and hemp are Cousin plants both of which produce 100%Anti septic materials and chemicals Definition of anti septicDoesn't cause infectionsMeaning you can use it as a suture or a cutting tool And it will not allow bacteria to grow It will happy the cause of an infection because your body will not acknowledge it as a foreign body And will treat it as only material Tobacco is not an anti septic smoke is not an anti septic Unless it is made from an anti septic material but no other material like hemp in weed has existed on planet Earth Weed and hemp have never caused hay fever

  12. I think it's less damaging on the lungs than cigarettes. I don't have any data other than my friends that smoke cannibias rather than cigarettes have had no lung issues. They have been smoking for the last 40 years

  13. she's not a doctor she needs to sit back behind the desk and keep her mouth shut actually it does damage but at the same time it heals itself , she's evil

  14. Vote the old times out that are asleep at the wheel like Dan Patrick. Use money to fix flooding. Black market would go out of business when they lower the price in the stores. Alcohol kills weed does not.

  15. it didnt meet its expectation because employers still drug test which leads to people not buying it or using it. until its federally legal, money will come in slow

  16. Look it will affect some one who is new smoking it more and more gain high tolerance to it so yeah virgin lungs will affect you more then if you smoked alot and build up to the high Tolerance to it then it be fine I grew up to pot heads and one my self at that fact it don't fuck me up like when the first time it hit it I don't know how to spell or type cause no one ever tought me shit so my pain is my story but I know how to read so it's good enough and at four my dad tought me grow it so I grow my own and I don't sell any it's all for my head only and think of it this way it's like tea but stronger. And the stem of that plant can make tea out of it. Let the new comers know don't get behind a wheel and drive need a guinea pig on how it affect the brain use me I been smoking all my life since the day I started learn how to grow it at age four so I be the perfect guinea pig for it so you all can see how it affect the people you be like you build it first new comer or don't go behind the wheel

  17. At the end of the day who should be able to dictate what goes in my body besides me unhealthy or not this is supposed to be a free country.

  18. this is from lab crops website AmphetamineAlso known as: speed Pharmaceutical names:1 Dexedrine, Benzedrine1000 ng/mL500 ng/mL1 to 2 days2MethamphetamineAlso known as: speed, ice, crystal, crank Pharmaceutical names:1 Desoxyn, Methedrine1000 ng/mL500 ng/mL1 to 2 days2MDMA(Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) Also known as: ecstasy, XTC, ADAM, lover’s speed500 ng/mL250 ng/mL1 to 2 days2CocaineAlso known as: coke, crack, rock cocaine300 ng/mL150 ng/mL2 to 4 days2HallucinogensMarijuana/Cannabinoids Also known as: dope, weed, hemp, hash, Colombian, sinsemilla Pharmaceutical name:2 Marinol50 ng/mL15 ng/mLSingle use: 2 to 7 days1Prolonged use: 1 to 2 months1Phencyclidine Also known as: PCP, angel dust25 ng/mL25 ng/mL14 days2 up to 30 days in chronic users2Narcotics/Analgesics/OpiatesCodeine2000 ng/mL2000 ng/mL2 days2Morphine and/or Heroin Also known as: smack, tar, chasing the tiger Pharmaceutical names: Duramorph1, Roxanol32000 ng/mL2000 ng/mL2 days2Methadone Also known as: fizzies Pharmaceutical names:1 Amidone, Dolophine300 ng/mL300 ng/mL3 days2PropoxyphenePharmaceutical names:1,2 Darvon, Darvocet, Novopropoxyn300 ng/mL300 ng/mL6 hours to 2 days2Depressants/Sedatives/HypnoticsBarbiturates Also known as: downers, barbs, goof balls, reds, yellow jackets Pharmaceutical names:1,2 Amobarbital (Amytal), Butalbital (Fiorinal), Pentobarbital (Nembutal), Phenobarbital (Donnatal), Secobarbital (Seconal)200 ng/mL200 ng/mLShort acting: 2 days1 Long acting: 1 to 3 weeks1Benzodiazepines Also know as: bennies Pharmaceutical names:1,2 Diazepam (Valium), Oxazepam (Serax), Chlordiazepoxide (Librium), Alprazolam (Xanax), Chlorazepate (Tranxene), Temazepam (Restoril)200 ng/mL200 ng/mLTherapeutic dose: 3 days2 Extended dosage or chronic use (1 or more years): 4 to 6 weeks2Ethyl Alcohol Also know as: liquor, distilled spirits, beer, wine, booze, hooch Pharmaceutical names: Ethanol0.02% (20 mg/dL)0.02% (20 mg/dL)In urine: 1 to 12 hours2 In serum and plasma: 1 to 12 hours….. why is it weed is up to 30 says and everything else just a day to a few days? UNFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIR

  19. NO This is not a day to celebrate everyone don't forget the 10s of millions of lives destroyed by our own government the lives and families destroyed kids taken away from there families people robbed and killed over marijuana, this is not a day to celebrate DUMB LADY don't forget all the 10s of thousands of soldiers who served our country and were kicked out the military for smoking a little weed off duty or when home on leave, Don't forget all the veterans suffering from ptsd and other serious injuries loosing all of there benefits for a little weed after honorably serving there country and sacrificing for this so called free country we live in people need to be held accountable this has went on to long while pharmecutical companies cram pills down everyones throats to cure the symptoms not the dieseases and alcohaul and tobacco being sold on every corner and almost every store this is still taking way to long people are still be arrested and smoking unsafe weed from the black market pumped with fertilizers fungicides pesticides and etc. this has taken far to long NO THIS IS NOT A DAY TO CELEBRATE but to reflect on what it to for us to get here people need to be held accountable and thrown out of public service for failing the public this took far way to long you should all be ashamed of yourselves

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