Northernlion is at his tipping point with tip culture

bad title i know =========================================================== Twitch: …


  1. Imho as someone who relies off of tips as a pizza delivery driver if you give me any tip no matter how much you order im happy. When youre giving me 0$ on a $100+ order im taking my damn time to get to your house. If you tip 2$ on a 40$ order? Im happy. I dont get any money per delivery so that tip extra is the only thing that is making me any sort of money back.
    But also on the flipside i was recently asked to tip at an airport kiosk which was selling little buttons and stickers. Like no disrespect but thats kinda insane to me. I still tipped because it was like 1.62 but that was my "yeah this is a little rediculous" moment

  2. I appricate that NL is humble enough to recognize when cashiers are faster. It always made me laugh when people would do self checkout at the place I worked because 9/10 times we would do it faster.

  3. I tip when Im at a restaurant, ordering a delivery, at a mom and pop shop I frequent or my local drive thru coffee bc they hold the card reader out the window and I dont wanna be that guy. I refuse to tip on most pick-up food orders, and nearly every situation outside those listed because often it's there because the place uses Square and it's baked into their UI.

    Donating at stores is a scam. They do it so they can have a write off at the end of the year for further profits because they know some people will feel bad if they dont. DO NOT FALL FOR IT

  4. Its not a friend of a friend of a friend for me. My girlfriend makes $80,000 a year being a waitress at a 4 star restaurant downtown

  5. Yeah… tipping was created to literally not have to pay workers. It's outdated and should be abolished. This is coming from someone who's made insane tips working at high end restaurants and hotels. I'd rather people be able to afford the cost of living then have big months where I make more. Also… the charity donations from corporations is literally just giving them a tax write off with your money. Donate to charity yourself if you're going to do it. Realistically I don't trust them to not take a cut either.

  6. I'mma say, the abysmal service he described is pretty normal around here. But I guess that's also the reason you only tip about 5 % on average here, lol.

  7. I ordered a mousepad from a company website and they asked me to tip when I was checking out. Who am I tipping when the only in-person interaction I face is with a computer monitor? I'm not going to purposefully overpay like that.

  8. So he doesn't like tipping much while living off of what is essentially tips. And he doesn't eat cereal with milk and can't understand why people think it's strange. He's one "I like burnt bacon" away from serial killer territory.

  9. US tip practice and law is what every US corporation wishes it could do to it's workers. Make the customer pay for the product and subsidize the employees wages is the pinnacle of US labor culture.

  10. It's easy for me to say because I'm biased (some would even say based) since here in Brazil not only tipping is not mandatory but if you want to pay it's generally 10% (I've never seen a different percentage).

    But come on, the land of the free should've caught up on this scam already. Tipping should be something you give to reward a better than average service, because you have more money than you need or because you can't be bothered to wait for change or something. The burden of paying the employee's wages should be on the employer not on the customer.

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