1. I know a lot of people who buy a bottle of alcohol and drink it in one setting… it take the whole night to make that setting though.. I don't drink or use marijuana, but I think making your own cookies is best. Medicine or poison is in the dose. Know what you take.

  2. 3:10 honestly says more about the people taking them than edibles themselves. If someone is taking an edible they should know to not go over the recommended amount. It’s like driving, of course it’s dangerous and if you don’t know what you’re doing you might die. There’s a higher amount of patience required with edibles than simply smoking it

  3. Please can you focus on the pros and cons of the effects on the body rather than the negative effects of over consumption. Some of us are smart enough to know how to microdose before eating a previously illegal substance.

  4. I was off my tits for 3 days straight (apparently I consumed 600mg of THC in one sitting). It just kept getting worse , I was grossly incapacitated and out of this world , 3 days is a very long time in THC land. . . The hallucinations were on level not known to modern medicine.

  5. It’s better to eat edibles on an empty stomach. I do intermittent fasting before I break my fast (to take for a night out) I eat it an hour before I eat fat soluable foods. That way it’s more controllable and I don’t feel out of it.

  6. Just use common sense. You can drink a whole bottle of vodka and die, but we don’t make it illegal. It’s a matter of education, you educate people on the consumption of alcohol do the same with other substances. It’s not difficult.

  7. I bought one from a dealer who had good reviews on leafedout. I ate less than half of a 250mg edible, my heart started pounding super hard and I felt messed up. I feel so mentally numb now and like a robot. It's been 3 months since I ate it and I don't feel better. I bet it was synthetic.

  8. Looks like the only death is because they are taking too much which makes sense other than that if you look at the ingredients, its a lot healthier than even snacks you eat at the store even in general meals cereals like cheerios contain a small chemical known in paint called something with A T forgot the name but look it up even Gerber got in trouble for the baby food what a world we live in jeez

  9. Wtf, eat only a tiny crumb of a cookie!? I would eat the entire darn thing! Someone I knew made a brownie for a friend and she left an odd note for him meaning to only eat a tiny piece. Well he didn’t understand the note, thought it was a regular brownie and ate the entire thing! I didn’t know until it was too late, we laughed it off and thought nothing of it. But 20 mins later he went mad and tripped out at work, he threw up, freaked the f-out (probably saw the devil and he tried to rip his heart out through his knee caps, Naboo🔮) I took him home so he could sleep it off. Of course he was ok, but he did trip out though out the next day. I’m not into cannabis (makes me feel down actually), but I guess perhaps since they are going to be sold anyway, the edibles with thc should be the right dosage and hard for kids to get their hands on. Best 🌱

  10. All good points. Lock them up so kids and pets have no access. Just like guns. I suspect edibles have several factors related to dosage beyond simple MG labeling which might be way off as the video said. Absorption time can several hours. Even more than 3 hours. I think Absorption percentage varies also depending on stomach contents and other metabolic factors. Not as simple as taking one percocet and getting the same bang .

  11. I’m 36 have been smoking regularly since I was 19 I recently stopped smoking last year and started doing edibles only it’s great for me.. I have kids now and don’t want the smell on me.. my main concern is pesticides.. Does anyone know if it’s possible to test for pesticides at home?

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