1. So I have a friend who was diagnosed with ADHD as a child, started smoking in high school. I don't think the weed is helping him, if anything it's just making him even more lazy and unmotivated to accomplish long term goals. People with ADHD are often mislabeled as lazy and weed also has a notorious reputation for making the user lazy. My friend has just gotten even more fatter over the years, he's 28 and still doesn't have his drivers license. I used to think he had a self defeated mentality, or his parents did a lousy job at raising him but I would say weed only helps in the short term but holds you back from actual self improvement in the long run.

  2. I use cannabis and have done all my lifeā€¦ my question is this, why do they say recreational drugs shouldnā€™t be used when taking stimulant medication? Iā€™m not understanding this at all. Is there some sort of life risk to it? Does it make the stimulant medication less effective? Puzzled lol

  3. How is this different from the amphetamine prescriptions "professionals" are dolling out. It's unhelpful to hear professionals explain that treating a symptom doesn't equate to curing an ailment.

    We're well aware

    Any "data" from timelines previous to legalization i.e. 60's, 70's, 90's early 2000's, regarding THC content should be heavily scrutinized. Further, the restrictions on research made the volume of useful data abysmal

    Let's all remember that most of what we're hearing regarding Marijuana is filtered through several generations who simply acquiesced to the rhetoric of illicit drug shaming. The evidence in the video is anecdotal at best with zero reference (which should be easy for Harvard professors to provide).

    TLDR: This video lacks substance to people looking for answers instead of validation. And weed is awesome as long as you don't consider it a cure… you know, like everything stimulating.

  4. Some of the information here is just plain wrong. Thc levels in the 70ā€™s in some cultivars were up to 17%. Weed hasnā€™t really gotten stronger, the problem is the RATIOS of cannabinoids has been bred to be different. So the BALANCE of the natural plant in some cultivars is not as it was. But the idea that weed in the 70ā€™s 80ā€™s and 90ā€™s was lots weaker than now is not accurate at all. Bear that in mind folks

  5. Nicotine doesn't do anything for me. I've always been able to quit instantly, inhaling that crap into my lungs wasn't worth the no effects I felt. Weed on the other hand, actually helps me.

  6. Also hate to admit it is so fudgong true.. i dont want to slow down, that is cryptonite for me, but it has become autopilot, and im completely aware of it, amd i camt turn it off, and it pisses me off becasue i cant do somthing i want to do,..

  7. As long as I ā€œmedicateā€ and then go straight to work on the thing Iā€™m needing to focus on (programming in my case as Iā€™m a Software Engineer) then my ability to focus is increased. It enters me into that ā€œflow stateā€ we all look for when needing to get stuff done.

  8. I just recently found out I have ADHD after being misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder. Iā€™ve been smoking cannabis daily on and off since the age of 12 (Iā€™m 26 now)
    I canā€™t stop self medicating. Iā€™m worried. I want hard stuff again. Iā€™m tired of being high 24/7. Once I can get past the terrible mood swings, I love the clarity of sobriety. But itā€™s hard getting there cause I always relapse.

    Iā€™m worried that ADHD medication isnā€™t going to work and then Iā€™m gonna relapse. I have to wait a month from now to get in with my psychiatrist. I found this video whileā€¦. Funny enoughā€¦ hotboxing my carā€¦ I think this video might have gaven me the push I need to throw my weed away and hop on my antidepressants on the meantime I can get in with my psychiatrist.
    I like that weed makes me numb.. I still feel too much on antidepressants

  9. I found that cannabis added novelty to the symptom of boredom in the short term. At 42 I'm realizing that I have to stop self medicating, alcohol, cannabis and caffeine so that when I finally have my ADHD testing I can have a more accurate perspective on my symptoms and cognitive condition. Thanks for the video.

  10. i take marijuana in really small doses, is it the strain on your brain from being high that causes long term effects or the actual chemical itself? i in some sort of way have been microdosing thc cause i find it helps me with an array of different things. iā€™ve figured out that i will take it till i start feeling bad which is somewhere around 2 weeks so i stop taking it for a couple weeks and then iā€™ll start again.

  11. First of all i'm not arguing with the scientefic evidence but it made me wonder not everyone use the same brain capabilities or at the very least use same areas of their brain to function in a day to day life .
    So…Here is my question…
    is it still considered to be negetive effect if the mentioned person is to never realize his or her's lack of brain functionality because they had no need for it due to achieving a reasonable result in life dispite the odds?

    "Not everyone is supposed to reach the damn stars" (Not saying you shouldn't shoot for it) even if we take that literally there is one per planet.(Elon Musk)

  12. I'm lying here 8.33am after Night Shift, vaporising nicotine and weed
    While drinking Gin and juice followed by a melatonin supplement to get some shut eye.
    Everything and more than is mentioned in this very informative vid. šŸ˜‚
    Adhd poster child.

  13. I'm 34 and only just connecting the dots that I have ADHD. I self medicate with weed constantly, tried concerta recently and it really helps. My doctor is not cool with it, I've tried to stop but my medication doesn't last through my whole day and when I got stressed out I took up an offer to smoke at work. Told my doctor and tried to talk about a different dosage or a strategy for what I can do when the meds have worn off but I was instead met with a threat to not get me if I test positive, but I know it's in me for 30 days and the future is a failed test. I feel hopeless, took my whole life this far too put the pieces together and figure out why life was so hard.

  14. Thanks for this video Jeff. I've found that when smoking I'm able to know what I need to do and feel enthusiastic to get going, but once I'm back in normal mode (unmedicated) it gets increasingly difficult to maintain consistency. I've read that people with ADHD have a dopamine deficiency. This could explain the weed high bringing temporary clarity and drive but the drop after making it even more difficult than before. So you can end up in this negative loop of making plans feeling like this time will be different but finding your focus only worsens, leading to negative self-talk.

  15. I used to smoke weed all day every day. Got diagnosed with adhd, take medication during the day, but I still smoke in the late evening. Canā€™t seem to break that habit, although I wish I could. At the same time, I get tired of trying to solve the problem ever since being diagnosed.

    In short, this never ending ā€œproblemā€ of trying to solve evening smoking gets tiring. You know what helps? Just living and not caring so much about every little thing. Iā€™m at the point now that I just want to live my life, and shaming myself doesnā€™t help. If Iā€™m happy, wtf is the problem?! Iā€™ve made a lot of great steps to improve my life, and this is one part I canā€™t seem to beat.

    And then I look at the world, all the addiction that exist (whether substance or none substance), I start to realize that everybody has a problem. So why am I being so hard on myself? Alcohol is Wilde used on a daily basis for everything under the sun, so whatā€™s the issue? Nothing is perfect, so I think Iā€™ll just accept it.

  16. I agree that cannabis in general, especially if heavily used at younger ages, can be very bad for ADHD, and agree with most allot of what is being said in this video. However, I see what to me looks like a lack of cannabis research or education. 1: It is 100% wrong that is way more powerful than it was in the 60. There was an abundance of low quality, improperly grown, and processed cannabis is in the US, but there were also Thai-sticks, Malawi Cobb, and my other high THC products. In the 60 testing was new, and testing was limited to government grown samples were very restricted, and we anything about what plants, or if they were properly cultivated. Cannabis has been cultivated for 12,000 years for strength and affects. There are stories in 1001 Arabian knights about hashish use. A very potent product, that can very easily be made from low THC cannabis and hand processed into a product with more that %50 THC. So yes there were very potent cannabis products in the 60 and I know people who used them. Tommy Chong and many other well know older cannabis users confirm this all the time. 2: There isn't enough cannabis research and most of it is focused on THC isolated from the rest of the plant. Additionally, much of the older US research has to be taken with a large dose of skepticism, as many researchers have come out and said that they were not allowed to publish anything that showed any positive light on cannabis and so they didn't publish or omitted anything positive. There is a good amount of new research showing that CBD is beneficial with ADHD, and many legal states have Dr's work with their medical patients with good results. So yes, more research is needed, as people have reported long term positive results with cannabis. 3. You mention nothing of those who are using cannabis because they have cancer, auto-immune, epilepsy, kidney failure, etc… along with ADHD, and it's their only way to get a livable quality of life especially when other meds don't work. Should these people just take your advice, even though, their overall quality of life will go down? Do people who need cannabis, not deserve to be given guidance other than stop what is helping you with everything else? 4. You should also mention that the meds that are commonly prescribed for ADHD can have short term gains and but with similar long-term effects. Not to mention life threatening side effects they can have. (I haven't found and SSRI that doesn't put me in the ER or cause a hospitalization. One actually causing esophageal swelling that I was told gave me a Heidle hernia, that ironically, cannabis provides the best relief for.)

    I challenge you to make a video for medical cannabis users who also have ADHD but can't simple just stop taking cannabis.

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