Google SEO Ranking Factor Tier List (2023)

Are you looking for real ranking factors that will skyrocket your website to the top of the search results? In this video, you’ll get to …


  1. Hi Matt, I have question please and need your thoughts : if i want to start a new blog, which better to use :New domain OR Expired domain??
    and i hope you say you prefer A or B ๐Ÿ˜… because i found it hard to decide which should i choose. if i choose Expired , i have a old domain (10Years) with low backlinks and one very good backlink but i didn't like the name that much, and if i choose New Domain, so this way i can choose the name and also will be a clean history.

  2. Question, at 2:58 you say add the answer to the search query… "temperature of beer (is) 60 ยฐ…" , and then you said if there are other units, answer those too. Meaning? Other queries or questions etc? Is that what a unit is…๐Ÿ˜…

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