When THIS Happens, Stop Drinking Alcohol NOW

In today’s video we will be discussing the critical point at which you must question your drinking and consider getting sober.


  1. It is time for me. I worked in the alcohol industry for 35 years. Now retired 4 years and I have drank heavy at times since. Stopping has been on my mind for at least 6 months.

  2. The only people who don't agree with this message don't want to imagine a life with no alcohol, and that's ok if it works for them! I'll continue on without it!

  3. I don't think I want to quit completely. I am quite a moderate drinker and never have more than 1 or 2 at a time. But still would like to really reduce the amount I have. Its just become a habit to have a beer or a glass of wine each evening before dinner. I think I've realised often I'm actually just hungry and need to prepare my dinner sooner. Once I'm eating I lose interest in the alcohol. But it does take the edge off my anxiety and help me wind down after work. No more than 1 drink, but I guess its still a habit.

  4. What a load of crap….. basically alcohol feels great and is only a problem when it starts to impact your health/life/relationships etc negatively. The truth is if it didn't cause any problems and you enjoy it we'd all keep doing it. Same goes for smoking, drugs, junk food basically all voices. The truth is you need to get to a point where the negatives outway the positives and then it's a simple choice… Listening to advice like this is stupid. It's a simple cost benefit analysis and we all need to really sit and work out out. I enjoy all the things that are bad for me but I don't want to be sick, fat, broke, alone and homeless so I chose to limit my vices and that's that.

  5. My step son is in the hospital right now with renal failure, edema in his legs and belly. His liver might be completely damaged. We are in the waiting phase as he’s been in hospital for two weeks and has many weeks more. His family wants to put him into rehabilitation once he’s finished in the hospital. This snuck up on everyone. He was drinking daily and none of us realized it. He’s only 30.

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