Quitting Weed Survival Guide *BENEFITS OF QUITTING WEED*

Quitting Weed Survival Guide Part Three of Three. In this brief video Dr. Frank, the founder of AddictionMindset Recovery …


  1. I recall Terrance McKenna once said if you could just smoke 1 spliff a month.Go to your room make sure your in the darkness and you will gain amazing insights.That requires discipline. One thing I love after quitting is that I now remember my dreams😊

  2. On day 22 of abstaining. And I will tell you, make it over the hump and many of the things in these videos come true, even though withdrawal continues for sometime. If your are quitting, you can do it! A small time of suffering in your life, for the rest of your life.

  3. I quit smoking weed 48 hours ago after a year of constant use without a full day sober. I eventually limited myself to smoking only at night and now I’m done. I started using it because I had anxiety and it helped but eventually it stopped helping so I kept smoking more. Unfortunately i didn’t realize it was just making it worse. I’m also 19 and not really sure what I want to do in life yet and I just want to be prepared in case I decide to get a new job or whatever.

  4. this timeline is exactly what i’ve been going through! the confidence is my favorite benefit because i was always insecure that i’d forget what i was talking about and make a fool of myself. now idgaf 💖

  5. Well this is definitely the comment section i wanna be apart of. I'm 31 now, and started smoking at 20 and im so glad i realized it was in control of me and not the other way around. Its nice to see other people battling the same demons together 💯💪

  6. I smoked each and every day for last 10 years. Finally decided to stop for sake of new born baby. This is my day 4. Yesterday was horrible. I planned 100 times to go to friends and smoke a joint. Fortunately i was able to control. Today is not at bad as yesterday. Whole day i am listening to deaddiction videos. It's helping me to keep patience. Thank you for help.

  7. Been consistently smoking from 14 to 19. Started smoking at night only and now at 20 completely over it. Dont even think about it. Biggest change is definitely the sleep. My dreams have been insanely vivid and long, and I wake up with energy. Before, I had lots of social anxiety and always wanted to avoid social interactions. Now I find myself looking forward to the day and new experiences. Best choice I’ve ever made.

  8. I’m going on 1 month of not smoking weed. There were two weekends when I smoked a blunt and regretted it the next day. The brain fog is horrible, munchies and irritability. I learned that I relapse when I’m around it so I’ve stopped hanging with those that smoke. I have a ton more energy, my car is cleaner, I’m not lazy to get dressed up, & I’m social again. I feel like the real me is coming back after smoking for over a decade.

  9. I’m seriously thinking of quitting weed. I was good for the first part of my semester and then the preceding holiday before the new one; I smoked some weed and then everything went down hill. Lost focus and energy for everything, I thought it was helping me with anxiety, but I’m realizing it is a bit of a weird mind prison.

  10. The increased energy defintely starts days after quiting. I have dance and violin practice nearly daily, but before I'd find myself having no motivation or energy. I'm only on day 4, but I feel so much lighter and energetic than in the past months where I'd smoke nearly daily.

  11. Benefits: saving $660 a month, no more anxiety around re-upping or driving dirty, no more sketchy drug dealers, no more hacking up loogies in the morning, no more hiding from my kids in the garage, better mood, able to read more books, whiter teeth…
    Downsides: changing my expectations for concerts, parties and camping, decoupling my personal identity from 420 culture.

  12. I am 35 and have been smoking for 3 years non stop, every single day. It's day 4 now without and I am having a hard time but I have a good reason to quit. It's just sooooooo hard. What I have been noticing howeve is, having more energy. This morning I did so much in only two hours. Before I would just smoke and sit down on the computer or read. Hours would pass and I would have done nothing.. Still I really thought it helped me more than it didn't… Now i see clearer.

  13. Great video, thank you! I am going to bed day two sober after attending an NA meeting. I’m very much looking forwards to going weeks to months sober, I know it will change my life and this info was great hear!

  14. 34 years old. Been smoking every day since 13.. Some days could be a half oz. Some days more. I have insomnia.. I have low motivation . i am thinking im ready to stop. When i smoke now i almost dont even wanna i ask myself why im doing it.. But i also suffer from addiction in many ways.. Pot is what i assume is the reason i dont sto0

  15. self hygiene , it’s so important in the fact that you mentioned it being one of the things that you started to remember mattered just shows I’m not so far apart or different from other people that struggle with this addiction and their success in quitting it can also be mine😅

  16. 3 weeks sober after 4 years of daily use, I’m finally recovering my self stem and motivation, I now take care of my skin and face and get hairsxuts weekly. People says my face looks brighter and I’m always smiling.

  17. I’m turning 19 in a few days. I used to have severe OCD and anxiety but now I just smoke it everyday to cope with the boring life I have. I’ve barley gone outside in the past 3 years. I’m done living idly and want to enjoy life again.

  18. One day we’re going to look back at your videos and be like Dr. Frank was the first x,y,z to notice … 😂😂

    , i quit vaping back in July now it’s been 3 weeks since i quit weed thanks to you.

  19. My first day not smoking. I got into some legal trouble and I’m stopping. It’s scary and it’s sucks. Tears are in my eyes right now as I type this. Asking for all your prayers through this.

  20. Hey man I just found this video. I been smoking week heavily for 2 years and stopped cold turkey because of a health issue. I been sober for about a week and so far I’m doing great. I definitely notice a different already and will not be smoking ever again

  21. I’ve been lying to myself about my addiction for 5 years, I didn’t take other drugs, only smoked weed. My excuse is that I was depressed and it was my escape, however after 5 long years I found that it was weed making me depressed and anxious.

  22. On day 6. Officially the longest I’ve been without it for a 4 year period. The withdrawals are super difficult, with the worst symptoms being sweats, major depression, and insomnia. But I’m gonna keep going because I know it’s been effecting me and my friends and family, and my mental health. Don’t really feel like myself right now but I hope with time things will get better.

  23. I’ve been smoking weed everyday since 15 (I’m 25). Now It’s turned me into a skittish, antisocial and anxiety induced person. Every time I quit, I have nightmares wake up in sweat and often have panic attacks (i’ve noticed the panic attacks come after weeks of dab pen use). It’s kinda ruined my sex life with the anxiety… (a doctor would put me on pills right away but I will never do that)… I’ve been clean for about a week now and the crippling anxiety is starting to go away, and I feel like I’m seeing in 20/20 vision finally now.. going to the gym and picking up new hobbies help 🙂 I feel like I’m closer to God as well. (No wonder the government is pushing weed on us all of a sudden).. For years, my aggression was gone because I was high every day. I would let people walk all over me. For young men, drive is important for career, relationships and life. Just 1 week and Im confident around new people, I don’t overthink and I feel sharper at work (I work in sales). I can’t wait for 30 days clean. I feel like my T-levels have risen just from 1 week of no weed.. it’s crazy how this is advertised as some kind of miracle drug. As someone who’s been using it for over a decade let me tell you it’s no miracle and I would be further in life if I never started. Thank you God for giving me the panic attacks to show me this

    2.5 week update :

    I’ve been waking up nearly every night in cold sweats from very very vivid dreams (and nightmares). Also noticed waves of anxiety at random times during the day – I have to channel it into music, working out, or creativity. Lost about 5lbs from lack of appetite, but the gym is keeping me in great shape at least.. some positive things : I’m a lot more focused at work, hobbies interest me, I’m sticking to a workout plan and feeling strong and I feel a much deeper connection to my family and the wonderful woman I’ve been talking to. I also noticed I’m a lot more emotional, in a good way.

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