This top leader in the MLM (Multi level marketing company) / network marketing company, Green Compass, is EXTREMELY …


  1. Works for covid?!?!?!?? WHAT!?!?!?! Iā€™m genuinely shocked at that claim šŸ˜± Ok the claim about the ā€œevidenceā€ for CBD in pregnancy/nursing that your doctor doesnā€™t have ā€¦. šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±

  2. As someone who worked at a dispensary for 3 years, I can tell you that this lady knows NOTHING about cannabinoids, trichomes or what the A stands for! The "A" stands for Activated, meaning CBDA/THCA is active and you can consume it and get all the effects. CBDA and THCA are produced by the extraction process. Trichomes and cannabinoids are the raw THC and CBD and you cannot feel the effects of them unless they are heated or extracted. Just like if you found a weed plant growing in your yard, decided to put it in a salad and eat it, you would NOT feel anything. Simply because heat is needed to activate the cannabinoids (I have a book on all temps needed to active each cannabinoid and what the benefits to each are, I bought it at a dispensary). Also if you take any SSRI's, antidepressants, or mood stabilizers, you NEED to talk to your doctor before using CBD. CBD will effect how these medications work in your body and can mute the effects of your medication. Meaning once you stop using CBD, the medications will effect you differently and could potentially cause mental health issues. CBN is another cannabinoid that naturally appears in certain strains. It can be extracted and it is mainly for sleep. CBN is not a degradation THC. Yes there are many many benefits to THC, CBD, CBN, and CBG and I fully support using it for it's medicinal purposes. Also I support adults using it for recreational purposes. But this lady doesn't know what the hell she is talking about and will end up hurting someone.

  3. Hi, new subscriber (thanks clown town). She's scarily confident with all the fear and health claims. She's speaking with all the confidence of someone with a PhD but it's…….not accurate or sound information.

  4. So glad you are covering this! I met a rep at a Christmas craft festival in NC last December and it caught me off guard it was an MLM because it was sneaky. I told her I wasn't interested in what she had because I took Lexipro and she started bad mouthing my meds and thrn told me how her stuff fixed everything with NO side effects. A cure all, cures none ma'am!

  5. Ummmmmmm I don't know how anyone would be ok telling pregnant people things are safe. I know so many people who, when pregnant, more cautious and concerned about everything going into their body than they ever were before or since. For good reason! They're creating life!!!! I can't imagine how this person would feel if her dumb advice were the direct cause of a pregnant person's child being harmed…

  6. Edit – I just got to the part about kids getting high. What the actual fuck?! I'm horrified!

    There were so many truly offensive claims made by this lady. I think my mouth was hanging open the entire time!

    I kept wanting to shout šŸ—£ļøSite your sources Ma'am!

  7. Sorry for all the comments, totally losing my mind over here. PF Aā€™s and some of these other chemicals, yes, they are very bad for you, very bad for the environment, but you donā€™t absorb them through your skin by wearing them, the manufacture of these things harms the environment, and they can get into the water supply in the air, And using certain nonstick cookware is problematic, but wearing nylon or spandex, unless youā€™re also eating it, is not going to put these toxins in your body. This is why the extreme conservatives donā€™t take environmental issues seriously, because of nut cases like this, and some of these claims, there are significant problems with producing some synthetic substances, and there do need to be laws and regulations, but when people make these ignorant, over-the-top statements, then it hurts the validity of actual legitimate efforts to help the environment. I may need to come back and watch the rest of this video later, because I know Iā€™m posting too many comments, but this is really driving me crazy. So much miss information, so detrimental. Oh, and while Iā€™ve been watching, Iā€™ve been looking through some of my notes, and one thing I did find specifically about the cannabinoid receptor system, with regards infants, is that some of the hormonal things that are supposed to happen for mothers and newborns, can be derailed if there is a use of cannabinoid products, These are just notes I took, but it was a full on reading of two different peer reviewed medical studies, not just the abstract, I read the whole damn thing, made my brain about want to explode, but I read through both studies completely, and I remember finding this information interesting at the time. Essentially our hormones make us feel rewarded when we do things like nerves are babies, and it helps babies to bond with their mother, and if you activate that cannabinoid system during these processes, then the hormones donā€™t always do what they need to do, it can even impede the milk letdown response. I am going to take a break from this video, so sorry for all the posts.

  8. There are no veins in the mucosal membranes in your mouth, they are capillaries, veins, and arteries are much larger, capillaries are the little teeny tiny blood vessels that can easily absorb. Substances, not veins, these are really basic medical facts, very basic distinctions that any kid whoā€™s paying attention in biology class should notice that she is making mistakes. Also, just because we have an Endo cannabinoid system as a child or an infant doesnā€™t mean that this is something a child should be taking. Children are much more sensitive to things like adults, and part of how we set up the wiring in our neural net work has to do with the things that we eat Exercise we do and the neural patterns we set up as children, and hijacking that system with inputs from substances, like this could cause some serious harm. And Iā€™m not even going to dive into the giant, insane and complex mess that is overuse of the term detox. Your bodies purge some toxins in some ways from some systems? Yes, they do, but the majority of products that are put out there it will help you ā€œdetox ā€œ Either donā€™t work, or only have very limited scientific evidence for use in some very specific cases. I legit just banged my head on the wall in frustration, thankfully, I have a padded headboard.

  9. Oh, my God, Iā€™m not a doctor, Iā€™m not even a nurse, and I even know some of the medical things she is getting wrong, I have used, for instance, amino acids to treat depression for years with quite a lot of success, because I did a lot of research, and I found a legitimate physician to work with me. For instance, she just said that serotonin is involved in the production of dopamine, which is is not, dopamine is a neurotransmitter, and the amino acids that contribute to its formation or L tyrosine, and L phenylalanine, or DC and alanine, itā€™s pretty complicated, and it Hass to do with things like the catecholamines and the difference for instance, between an SSRI, and an SNRI, but honestly, not only is she oversimplifying, but sheā€™s actually saying things that are legitimately incorrect. There are some legitimate medical uses for CBD and other constituents of this particular plant, but we have had to fight long and hard, especially in the United States for any of these benefits, to be recognized, legitimately, and crap like this sets it back tenfold. Also, I am just waiting for the lawsuits, I understand that a lot of MLMā€˜s are problematic, But honestly, complaining that Monat might make your hair fall out, or Scentsy might talk someone into buying a lot of products they canā€™t afford to buy in order to become a consultant, is just insignificant besides something like this. Her advice could literally cost people of pregnancy, it could cause, long-term health effects and disability for these hundreds of people that she is giving medical advice to, and the thousands that the consultants under her will then be giving advice to. This is really terrifying.

  10. Oh my God. Just oh my God. What a crazy ignorant load of crap. First of all, platelets are not a receptor, theyā€™re not even a cell, a platelet is a small piece of material, found in your blood, which one combined with other platelets can help form a clot, But Iā€™m 99% sure that they are not even cells, they donā€™t have a nucleus, they donā€™t carry out processes inside themselves, etc. Five HTP is five hydroxy, tryptophan, and five hydroxy tryptophan is just an amino acid, a protein, itā€™s not a receptor, itā€™s not a part of your body, And five HTP can be turned into either serotonin or melatonin by your body, essentially it is the amino acid precursor to either of those substances. And, Iā€™m sorry, no, youā€™re not necessarily healing your body because you donā€™t feel pain, youā€™re interacting with your pain, receptors, and hijacking them. Iā€™m not saying someone needs to suffer in pain, but understanding that pain is a signal that your body is sending you, and masking it can have consequences. Be maybe what she is trying to say is that if you get COVID-19, but sheā€™s making some sort of a claim that the effects on your lungs will be somewhat mitigated, which might have a tiny bit of science behind it, I havenā€™t researched it, but the way sheā€™s explaining it in broad strokes, makes it sound as if sheā€™s saying that this can keep you from getting it at all, or can treat it by itself. now, again itā€™s people on the extremes, ruining it for people who are moderate and actually use their brains. One of my biggest pet peeves, is that there are a lot of substances that simply have not been tested in clinical trials on pregnant, women, or women who are nursing, because that wouldnā€™t really be ethical, and then a physician will conclude that it is ā€œnot safe ā€œwhen we know no such thing, what we know is, if thereā€™s not data, which is not the same thing as something being unsafe. And I can understand that objection, and I can even understand why on occasion you shouldnā€™t 100% blindly follow the physician says, without at least asking questions, or reading for peer, reviewed studies or getting a physician second opinion, but the way she is putting it is completely irresponsible and potentially dangerous. Also, I am pretty sure that there actually is some data on the use of cannabinoids during pregnancy and nursing, and Iā€™m pretty sure there actually is hard data that it is contraindicated, that it can cause trouble for the baby in future, something having to do with depression and predisposition to addiction to things like drugs, food, or other addictive behaviors or substances. Donā€™t quote me on that because I donā€™t have the studies in front of me but Iā€™m pretty sure that I have seen some specific evidence of negative effects of activating the cannabinoid receptors in a pregnant moms.

  11. the way my jaw fell off the floor when she said "cbda helps with covid"
    just as i was researching what she said about the ace receptors, i did see a study that said in the abstract: "THC, CBD, and CBN were reported as promising candidates against SARS-CoV2 infection…" HOWEVER that is super preliminary, nowhere near the kind of basis for the surefire claim she just made.

  12. the other thing that i know about weed is because of the stigma there arent as many studies on it and how it can affect the body as there could be. i could be totally wrong on this and the studies do exist to say that CBD affects the nerves, but like, i kinda doubt that its as specific as shes trying to make it seem.

  13. I could have saved myself a lot of time/money from OBGYN/Fertility specialist appointments had I just known that my infertility is due to my clothes.. Maā€™am with all due respect please STFU

  14. this is so dangerous i canā€™t believe these people with no knowledge or qualifications of ANY of what theyā€™re talking about are speaking like they know anything about the subject. ESPECIALLY on hormonal/fertility issues and pregnancy. thatā€™s so manipulative to people with pcos/endo or who are pregnant/nursing. this is bad.

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