How to spot a cannabis overdose | Your Morning

Dr. Julielynn Wong talks about everything you need to know about cannabis overdose.


  1. Some time I drink my weed tea which is da bedt tea and I don't smoke weed to get no dam high I smoke to meditate or my meditation weed is a part of my culture part of my rastafari philosophy so I don't smoke to get no high wen I smoke wen I feel like I don't drive just stay home and meditate u all can rake a page from my comments

  2. I smoking weed for 45 years now I can retired now because I only smoke when I feel like sometimes week's pass and I don't smoke weed y because I don't feel like lot of people ask me how da he'll I do that self discipline that's all

  3. So am.i not overdose u all talking bull I don't drink alcohol never ever I never take no form of drugs never ever I hear some say weed is da gateway for other drug's really so how com I don't take any drugs I am a self discipline man I don't even eat meat or fish no flesh at all I don't eat

  4. Remember what I say I been smoking weed 45 year's now nothing never ever happened to me right now I only smoke wen I feel like I can retired smoking weed now I know man been smoking weed long before me nothing happened

  5. Bull crap u talking I that's me been smoking weed 45 years now nothing never happened to me right I only smoke weed when I feel like I am a discipline weed smoker now

  6. I took a badtrip on weed two months ago lolπŸ˜….
    I had added weed on basically every foodstuffs in my house.Milk powder,cooking oil,coffee and on top of that I was rolling a joint after meals OMG I went to an extreme Anxiety attack,Nausea Vomitting and loss of touch with reality for almost two days it was really scary πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

  7. i once overdosed IN CLASS DURING THE LESSON. And i had a couple panic attacks. Also went through my life and planned out the future. Not only that but i also blacked out 3 times. all during the span of 20 minutes. Not the best high i have had but please don’t spread false information. I’ve had several overdoses and never died πŸ˜‚. It’s impossible to over dose on zaza

  8. When I overdosed I had a bad hallucination and then I felt paralyzed in my bed and starting throwing up uncontrollably, I took 4 250mg hard candies that I thought were 100mg each which is how this happened. Be careful with edibles guys.

  9. It's quite litterly impossible to die straight from thc. If someone has overdosed(taken a fk ton)
    1.Lay them down with a blanket on somewhere soft and warm(bed or couch)
    2. Give them some water and food. Preferably more salty foods as stones love that
    3.chuck on some telly or video games
    No horror films
    4. Give them a bucket unless they green out and throw up

    This is to ensure they don't freak out and have a really bad high. Make it enjoyable. Calling the ambulance or anything will only freak them out. Personally when my mates took 1000mg edibles by accident putting on space shows or things that make you think deep calmed them down.


  10. I am here to tell my story. My wife took 1 (ONE) gummy of THC0 last Saturday. The label said "to Help to Sleep" – Was her first time trying it. Was 10:30 pm, she start having a sequence of reactions, like epilepsy. Her body was shaking, her heart beat up to 100s (her avg is the 70s), and she lost control of her body, at 11 pm I called 911. They came and took her to the Methodist and over there, they ran lots of fluids and medications through her system. Around 4:15 she woke up. She recovered control over her body to be able to stand up by herself only around 7 hours later. She never smokes, and she drinks avg. 2 glasses of wine /per week. She is not on medications, is 46 years old, super healthy. The documentation from Houston Methodist is stating a "Drug Overdose". Again: 1 single gummy. The bottle says: 900mg / 50mg per gummy – D8 + D10 + THC-0 – The name is "Sticky Green, Mega Mix Gummies – Green Apple – 18ct – Vegan – Please. If you find this product, DON`T TAKE IT. The gummy has a triangle shape. Every person could react differently, in her case, was almost dead. She was saved by the team on Methodist. Thank you.

  11. You can deff overdose on thc your chest starts to contract and compress and your spinal chord becomes extremely tight and you will vomit and shit for 6-8 hours until your body burns off the thc.

  12. I had overdose or bad trip a couple days ago for the first time, I’ve been smoking for 5 years and never had a problem until now.
    I felt paranoid, shortness of breath, my heart was beating fast, my body was twitching, I vomited, I cried cried and cried, forehead pain and eyes couldn’t open them at all.
    I just took some pain killer and I fell asleep but I was so scared I almost called 9 1 1
    But I tried to control myself with breathing work

  13. "Or death" πŸ˜„ 🀣 πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜† πŸ˜„ 🀣 πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜† πŸ˜„ 🀣 πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜† πŸ˜„ 🀣 πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜† πŸ˜„ 🀣 πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜† πŸ˜„ 🀣 πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜† πŸ˜„ 🀣

  14. It's funny bc last I checked it's impossible to overdose on weed. If you black out then you fell asleep, not passed out. The shit makes you tired, if you throw up it's normal. It's not bc you're too high, your body just doesn't know how to react to how slow everything is bc you bit off more than you could chew so your natural reaction is to feel nauseous and throw up. Y'all should learn not to smoke more than you could handle, if you like testing or finding new limits then you can do that, I do it too. But if you get a new feeling bc you get higher don't assume that it's bad πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ you just broke ur limit, and if you fall asleep then that's legit just cuz ur sleepy. It's literally nothing bad. The news lies all the time, these mfs obviously don't know what they're talking abt. Anyone who was hospitalized probably scared themselves getting too high, I've seen it with someone who did dabs for the first time on a dab rig. They legit got so high they got scared bc they didn't know if they were okay, and they called 911. There's one thing you need to be sure of, and it's that you're self aware at all times. I'm a very self aware person which is why I've never had a bad trip. I had a high once where my heart was pounding hard and loud, at first I was like "is that normal" I was abt to get scared but I didn't cuz I was like "I'm just high it's probably bc my senses are on 11" and I just went back to what I was doing. I was literally fine, and it wasn't even that my heart was beating fast. I was literally right abt my senses being on 11. Y'all need to learn your stuff smh I'm 16 and know more than the adults, and I was barely 15 on the trip with the whole "senses on 11" thing

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