Smoking Marijuana vs. Using a Cannabis Vaporizer

Cannabis vapor has less tar, but may contain more ammonia. What happens to respiratory symptoms when regular users of joints, …


  1. And theyre still making them stronger with every war… we were past analogue herion by the 1990s but by the 2020 years we had drugs so much stronger the weed IS a crystal meth enmass. I didnt say we didnt have these new drugs completely but we didnt have warehouse production of globicidal amounts of these drugs as before only a few individuals knew how to produce them and the world held only a few doses of each at a time… i think by 3000 the predictions will have come and our prescious resources will have been outlived by the creation of toxins by creation of chemicals millions of times as potent as original formulas. Opium to morphine, morphine to oxy, oxy to fentynal, fentynal to car-fentynal… theres going to be a fire i think at one of the depots thatll change earth forever.. clandestine productions arent as senstive as factory production in many ways, to global warming and disasters..

  2. Were going to get punched but we'll live… when we repeat this in 100 years i believe the "other" drugs will be strong enough we'll end the worlds human population as we know it and burn the sky like the matrix implys. How much stronger are the newest oxys compared to in the 1990s, we definitly didnt all know where to get car-fentynal capable of causing us to expire except in miniture doses that had effectively less lethal sums in the days of oxy cotton we didnt need to carry naloxone to take pharmacy medicines incase of cross contamination…

  3. If the nazis of world war two had legalized marijuana isnt this the third strike for earth with marijuana and drugs trafficking or do you count the two events together as only 2? I count 2 total…

  4. nobody wants to hear this but stop smoking this gmoed sh*t weed, no smoke or vapor in the lungs,if you need thc in your system,eat edibles but don't smoke or vape

  5. Smoke is smoke. Thanks Dr Greger. Could I get your support here in that UK please. My poor daughter has Asthma and has to inhale vaping fumes at bus stops and the bus depot. I find this is abuse as we just want to breathe clean air. Especially after the Pandemic that hits the lungs.

    As a child I had to fight to breathe in rooms full of smoke because Doctors, Scientists, the Media and Governments all promoted Vaping as harmless. We have no apology or compensation for their mistakes! Now we have a Vaping shop in our little town. The British Healthcare NHS supports vaping. Of course vaping attracts teenagers.

    Where is our right to breathe clean air?

    If people want to smoke or vape it is their choice. But please can we educate them on the harm it does to others around them. My daughter's Asthma has got worse since attending College. She is sick a lot now. We value our lungs.

  6. to be honest I smoked cigarettes and weed for years and the only substance between the two that ever gave me breathing problems was tobacco as a matter of fact I feel like I actually breath better when I do weed and unlike tobacco, I never found weed addicting. And to add insult to injury the only substance I still do to this day is weed so yeah, I never had any health issues due to weed. But tobacco I had to quit because it was actually messing up my breathing not weed though ironically.

  7. Dear stoner commenters: Greger made two major points here:
    1. Vaporizing lowers carbon monoxide vs smoking, according to the studies available.
    2. The real-life studies available at the time of making the video showed some, but not amazing real-life improvement.
    He's not saying don't go vape, he's telling us what the science said at that time.
    As a non-stoner, I watch this and see that it's a good idea to switch over to vaporizing for carbon monoxide.

  8. Hi hope that when someone does look to use a vaporizer they take a look at our Silver Surfer. We have made it since 2004 in Colorado Springs, USA. I feel using a vape is far superior to smoking. Then after vaping there is the left over duff you can eat!

  9. smoke makes my lungs so sore, especially weed. like a feeling of being punched in the chest. vaping buds feels so much better. sometimes if i do too much it feels weird tho, more like a tingly itchy feeling. probably not the best to be dependent on these types of herbs anyway

  10. We all love cannabis and want the answer to be good news but the truth is smoking anything anyway you do it is just bad for you.

    40 years from now, just like the cigarette industry, we will have overwhelming data that we traded one vice for another and smoking marijuana anyway you do it will be bad. Just the truth.

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