1. Senator Sigei, come on, dont be naive.

    The panel is not interested in any logic truth or facts. You are sorrounded by a pack of wild dogs. Keen to tear the government down. Aukot and the "profeesa"represent the wrong ends in the Kenyan equilibrium, Nyanza, especially luo nyanza does not know the meaning of production especially food production, neither does Turkana.

    Looking at it, ODM is running and inciting support from all the regions of ""sirkal saidia" Luo nyanza does not produce any food, Turkana, North easter, Ukamabani, coast. They are hooked to the colonial idea of food relief, lowly jobs

    You cannot possibly engage in an intelligent conversation with those two political mercenaries. Aukot is angling for a government appointment. The professor like may other is asmio, believe that a sitting president can be removed by riots. It is black mail.

    Mijungu is the facilitator.

  2. I applaud Ruto for rejecting unconstitutional power deliberations and condemn all parties that keep prescribing such talks. Shame, especially to foreign governments and allied organizations that offer such prescriptions for Kenya when they don't practice such extra constitutional deliberations in their democracies.

  3. Hustler fund was a scank. Its useless. It was linked kra database. Kra see mpesa transaction of 16 million kenya signed up. This serekali is built on lies deceitful and wickedness

  4. Kenya government wants citizenry remain poor and impoverished. Its easy to rule and govern and control impoverished kenyans. Poverty is self created in Kenya by the government. That's your serekali kikuyu nation

  5. Aukotic confusion is on full display for all to see. The duplicity is jarring. All theory and no practicality. Where was Aukot in 2007 or 2013 when Uhuru and Ruto were hauled to ICC? Where is Aukot on matters corruption? Aukot has no monopoly of ideas on how any one political outfit should operate? He has his own party, why has he not implemented what he is theorizing about?

  6. Atimes this Kenya kwanza sychophants talk like they live in heaven…make basic things affordable..period
    Stop worship Ruto like he's your God..useless politicians

  7. There is a need for educators to help the citizens to develop inner capacities such as truthfulness, trustworthiness, integrity, compassion & wisdom. Without these powers, society canā€™t have peace.

  8. The words you talk are something that you make sodden. Stop killing the children and discounting them

    You are selfish Kenya killers. Which hate others nation's in
    Kenyans . How many men carried life in there wombs.9 to ten months..

  9. Kenya iko Sawa it's not at crossroads, Prezo is working.. Kenyans go to work we will get out of the box ,the status quo,the matrix call it whatever you want..

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