NEUROSCIENTIST: 8 HOUR Sleep Is The WORST | Andrew Huberman

Neuroscientist explains how to sleep better. Many people do not realize those interesting facts about sleep. Andrew Huberman …


  1. I have chronic health issues. I constsntly feel like shit after an antidepressant withdrawal / reinstatement ruined my nervous system 14 years ago. If I dont get 8 hours I feel like utter shit rather than just the usual level of constant shitness. Also if I get 8 hours I still have my usual constant of feeling like shit.

  2. I used to depend heavily on alcohol to fall asleep. Oftentimes I would grab a bottle of Jack Daniels and continuously sip until I felt the effects. Oftentimes I would end up falling asleep with a bottle still in my hand. It certainly did help me fall asleep pretty quick. Unfortunately it didn't last very long and I often got up 3 or 4 hours later.

  3. I'm pretty sure you don't need to conduct a study OR study at Harvard to figure any of that out.
    It's been known for years that different people require different amounts of sleep and most of that depends on your metabolism.
    But if you like you can dress up existing knowledge and facts in a way to make yourself (and your friends at Harvard) seem much more intelligent than you actually are 🤷‍♂️
    Please state more well known facts in a way to amaze morons 😮

  4. Again, Huberman is overstating the solidity of the research. Good science requires reproducibility. You need more than a handful of studies to make declarations as bold as he’s making. Some of this contradicts the overwhelming amount of evidence we have to the contrary.

  5. Getting only 6 hours of sleep will catch up to you. It wont be apparant that day, week, or month as the body adapts. It will accelerate your aging and you will die sooner of disease.

  6. I consistently sleeps for 9 hours, so if I shift to 7 hours that would be bad for me until it gets consistent too? but if so, how long it will take?

  7. Man I was digging this clip so much and learning a lot…until that little creep Lex Friedman started talking. He’s a deep state plant/talking head, his handlers want him to slowly take the audiences of guys like Joe Rogan, Russell Brand, and Jordan Peterson. Dude is bad news

  8. This info for some people is so wrong. Im 41 years old and if I sleep for 6-7 hours Im feeling super tired and my vocal cords don't work, my voice is raspy and tired. When I sleep for 8-10 hours Im feeling healthy and vibrant and ALIVE and my voice is super clear. Many people do need many hours of sleep. So stop putting all people into one bag.

  9. Consistency matters .
    My Grandfather would Sleep at 10:00pm and wake up at 5:00 am every day.Even on Weekends.He Would go for a walk at 5:30 am upto 6:30am and come back home.He was healthy and Fit untill he died at 91….❤❤❤

  10. i've never slept more than 6 hours. when i was working/going to school, i would nap in my truck for 15 min during breaks, and it did wonders for me! i happened to have been working nights at the time though. now i'm in my 60's and catch a nap from time to time cuz i still do have insomnia that gets worse over age. some nights i don't sleep at all or only for a couple of hours. i've given up. doesn't seem to be a problem though.

  11. I've been trying to get 7 and a half hours of sleep for most nights, and I miss timed it the last few nights and got 8 – 8 and a half, and I feel like I got hit by a truck waking up. Usually, I'm fine once I get up and have done my morning routine, but getting up to do that routine is significantly harder.

  12. It is way more complicated 😂 he completely skipped the deep vs rem and light sleep. Being disoriented is not effect of a rem sleep but a deep sleep. Other studies shown that napping can have horrible results to your health over time and he skips that cherry picks stuff like is so simple that tomorrow everybody would be healthy he doesn't even seem to know what a sleep apnea is or any disorders and effects of taking caffeine and in which part of the day etc. If you have a good sleep tracker it will wake you up when you would be in a good moment to wake up. You should also never go to sleep at the same hours or get up at the same hours as every night is different, even moon phases can come into factor, oxygen levels, chronic pain and diseases it's so annoying to listen to this as if it's like a simple three hacks to biohack your body. Man if you have chronic disease or chronic pain or you are dealing with depression then these "quick tips" are complete horseshit

  13. oh yeah, and counting those 90min sleep cycles to get a total number of sleep hours can be great. I've always felt worlds better on 6 hours of sleep vs 8-10 hours of sleep. I use sleepytime to get a general idea of times to fall asleep.

  14. Attention grabbing headlines like these are so misleading. At no point did Huberman state 8 hours is the worst. He actually said he feels great after 8 hours but can't sleep for that long consistently.

  15. I always feel better with less sleep and also wake up more energetic. For me the best sleep is like 4-6 hours. I do fall in a deep sleep very quickly. Anyone who say you need alot of sleep can fuck off. Just listen to your body and how it feels. The rest is bullshit.

  16. Like i predicted, the title of this video is completely moronic, retarded and misinforms the actual good information Andrew Huberman says.
    For anyone who might read, he says a very ancient and simple concept of neuroscience: it´s not about the raw ammount of sleep you get, it´s the timing of waking up and consistency of sleep hours. We sleep in cycles because that´s just our brain chemistry: we get used to a certain biological clock for sleeping schedule and we do some deep rest cycles. If we wake up in the end of one, we have an awesome day, if we wake up groggy and tired, then our sleep sucked.
    HOWEVER, it is also true that, due to this cycles, there is a median number of cycles that are optimal for recovery, and a median number of hours that they usually last: 8 hours. 8 hours is an estimate number of a perfect sleep cycle, with a 1.5 hour variance, meaning less than 6.5 hours is too low, more than 9.5 is too much.
    The title of this video has a clear agenda, but the creator clearly doesn´t even have 2 braincells and posts the raw video which contradicts the title. The perfect sleep schedule is the one where you don´t have an alarm, lay down when it´s dark, wake up when there is sunlight, just like our genetic arquitecture wants, it´s called circadian rythm.
    Also, i think it´s funny they did the study on organic chemistry students: the best college grade i ever got (20/20) was this class, and was when i actually decided to sleep good the day before the exam, a solid 9 hours, instead of the usual stay up late studying. This only proves the stupidity of the modern capitalist "sleep less" mentality, life is not a race or a competition.

  17. Women require more sleep in order to create certain hormone reserves. Men can get away with 7-8 hours of sleep, sometimes
    even six hours, but women need 8-10 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
    this is because women rely heavily on adrenals
    to produce daily hormones, whereas men do not, as they can produce 2-3% of
    their adrenals in 98 percent which is produced by testicles. women require specific adrenal or hormone production to create
    their entire anabolic state.
    women require more sleep
    than men due to hormonal differences and women’s greater responsibilities.
    If a woman doesn’t get enough sleep, which is close to eight hours and more,
    then she is likely to have hormonal imbalances.

    Women release certain hormones during deep sleep which helps get
    energized and active. According to Dr K Shilpi Reddy.

  18. I think the title is just misleading as 8 hours was just a ballpark time that worked when you account for roughly 20 minutes to fall asleep plus REM cycles in 90 minute chunks. 1 hour 30min, 3 hours, 4 hour 30 min, 6 hours, 7 hour 30 min + 20min = about 8 hours to "sleep"

  19. What sleep do you recommend for mothers in particular who are the default parent majority of the time and have to wake up multiple times during the night startled because their baby or child is screaming or needing you… how much sleep then. 9 hours with interpositions, 6 hours with interruptions? Someone please tell us.

  20. I always fall sleep during NSDR and end up sleeping like 2 hours straight 😂😂So now i set alarm for like 40 minutes and probably take me about 10 minutes to enter NSDR and after about 20-30 minutes my Alarm wakes me up. 😅😅

  21. Ahh yes. Sleep 6 hours then get a 90 minute nap. That's what I call 7,5 hours of sleep a day. The real test is a boring meeting in an office that lasts for hours. If you feel groggy then – you don't get enough sleep.

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