Lt. Gov. John Fetterman Talks Legalizing Recreational Marijuana

KDKA’s Meghan Schiller talks one-on-one with John Fetterman after Gov. Tom Wolf called on the legislature to legalize …


  1. This is madness.
    Does Fetterman not know how many prison companies will go bankrupt because of this?
    They'll have to criminalise something else, like maybe ridiculously highly sugared carbonised drinks ! Actually …

  2. Legal weed in Pa, we need this desperately!! Thanks, Lt. Gov. Its a wonderful way to bring jobs to this state, and in my humble opinion, people need to de-stress , what's going on in this country today is deplorable.i say outlaw ALCOHOL !! it's the root of all murders violence in this country. Spoke to a policeman I know, everytime we investigate violent crime 98%of the time, ALCOHOL IS INVOLVED. !!! Not Marijuana!!

  3. It's much safer than alcohol. It was prohibition that banned weed. This jackass doesn't have a clue. Just keep following the other states. You dont need to think. Just vote it in.

  4. John is so spot on and intelligent and forward thinking. I moved from NY to Legal state of Massachusetts. Legal marijuana is a complete success in Ma. 100s of millions in beneficial tax revenues, no crazy negative societal byproduct ! No moneys to illegal organizations. Great heath benefits, galore ! Johns point about people driving across boarder is so , accurate. NY state politicians are arguing about legalization for years….. when every marijuana user in NY state simply drive across boarder to Massachusetts. In some respects it’s a laughable situation if you witness it in person , a ratio of 99-1 NYers, at the legal out of state dispensary ! Lol There’s also a giant slew of marijuana start up and related businesses. With multi ethic/demographic young professionals entering the new industry. Growing , processing, admin, edible and medicinal production ,cbd, etc. Tremendous multi million dollar marijuana industry infrastructure investments in local communities.John talking hear passionately, basically explains exactly what could positively happen with legalization in Pennsylvania. I’ve fully witnessed legalization in MA. John really knows his stuff . Really smart person . Real true advocate for the people of Pennsylvania. Legalization is a TREMENDOUS opportunity for Pennsylvania and it’s people . It should be done immediately. By the time NY legalization happens , NY will have certainly simply ‘’ missed the boat ‘’…..

  5. I can’t wait until they legalize marijuana I think it’s a good idea and we as Pennsylvanians should have the choice to make adult decisions and I totally agree with Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman thank you very much for standing up for the people. Many of us watching do want to have the choice of lighting up legally.

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