Tired of Dog Allergies? Try Dr Jones' Unbelievably Simple Yet Powerful Recipe Now!

Dr Jones’ Free Dog Allergy Webinar: Dr Jones shows you his top 6 herbs in a recipe …


  1. Thank you so much for all you do. My now 20 year old Poodle use to itch like CRAZY until I started cooking for him and following your Videos. That was a game changer. I think my following your recipes and wisdom and Knowledge on your videos and has so much to do with why I have such a Sweet Wonderful Fur Baby with me now for 20 years and going strong! Thank you so much for being such a caring and smart Veterinarian.

  2. My dog is allergic to all seafood and is lacking in Omega 3's. I have him on a raw diet of grass fed, grass finished and wild meats. He gets a pasture raised egg, ghee from grass fed cows, vitamin d and e, a mineral supplement and nutritional yeast. No itching. My dog is also allergic to rice, rosemary and a bunch of other stuff. I'm leaving this here for owners with dogs who are allergic to fish. It's extremely expensive, but there is no other answer for this dog. He is allergic to ALL commercial dog foods. I did this on my own with a nutritionist and zero help from the vet. He is amazed.

  3. Hi! I have a boxer lab mix dog and he went to boarding because went on vacation and he came back with a very deep bark. I mean his bark wasn’t too high pitch but his new bark is much deeper. It has been worrying me a little bit. I saw it should come back in a few days if it’s just a “soar” throat. But, it’s been a little less than one week. I’m really worried and don’t know what to do. If you can reply when possible please do

  4. Hello I'm from the Philippines. My cat Menggoy had a 2 surgeries. First surgery is to remove crystals in his bladder and the second surgery because there is a leak in his bladder. Now my cat can't pee without even a drop. His doctor said the skin inside his bladder was peeling so he couldn't urinate and the wall of his urinary bladder is swollen. His urine is also viscous so it is difficult for him to urinate and the last suggestion of his doctor is another surgery called urethrostomy cat.

    Is there anything I can do to prevent him from going through surgery again? because I have used up all my money for his 2 surgeries and I don't want to lose him either. We have been going through this for almost 2 months 😭

  5. Doc my dog always gets a lot of itching after his vaccination. He's two years old. I decided this would be the last I will be vaccinating him. But can you tell me any natural remedies to relieve his itching. I'm scared the vet would just be giving more and more medicines so want to check if I can do something natural before going to the vet. Please suggest.

  6. Why do you have magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide and fillers in your products? Thought that was bad for pets. I am always looking for supplements without nasty fillers for my dog…

  7. ❤ As far as the Nettle Leaf can i open a couple of the Tea Bags if that how i purchase it? I have that very Brand you had in this video! I purchase all my Teas this Brand. So im asking is it fine to open a tea bag to grab my 1 Teaspoon for this mix, verses the bulk pack? Thanks

  8. Hello,
    My dog is itching a lot, lick her paw, stink breath, and eat lot of grass, but no yeast
    Is this count as allergies or just poor gut health and what to do to solve this problem
    Plz give me some advice

  9. Kind of off the subject but many states are experiencing triple digit heat right now and I want to remind dog owners that pavement and asphalt can be very hot on your dog's unprotected paws.

  10. Thank you! I’m going to try this. My little pomchi is struggling. Her little paws swollen and crusty. Often recurring, almost constant skin infections. Our veterinarian is treating her for allergies which he believes to be environmental, and for skin infection. In the last 6 months she’s had 3 different rounds of antibiotic. She’s on her 3rd round of cytopoint. I had 7 children. I NEVER would have allowed them to undergo all this. I know it’s bad bad bad for her. But I tried so many alternatives. She was a very sick little dog when I took her to him in desperation. She is moderately better. But the cytopoint isn’t something I intend to continue. And it seems to not help very much.

    Her diet is very closely controlled. I’ve tried elimination diet. She’s definitely not reacting to her food. She only eats organic bison and rice at this point. But now that I’ve eliminated that the allergy might be caused by beef or chicken, apple, sweet potato, green veggies, and oats, I can add some of those back in for variety. Our veterinarian did say give her fish oil. I will definitely give your recipe a try! Thanks for this information!

    I’m also trying boots for when she goes outside. But I’m seriously wondering if there’s something in my house that is the problem…and since it is worst on her feet, wondering if it could be our laminate flooring. We move in 2 months. Getting porcelain flooring at the new home. Hoping for a change with that. Who knows. She displayed no allergies until after we moved here.

  11. My 9 year old dog suffered from allergies all her life, I started mixing nettle leaves, curcuma, rosemary and safflower oil in her food, and bathing her with the shampoo and she is 90% better. You are my savior! Thank you for your dedication!

  12. I really have no idea what is going on with my little girl.. I found a sore on her chest. I wrote some coconut oil on her because that’s all I need to do. Which it did take the store away, but she still got a red spot. I took her to the vet. I got him to look at her ears and the sore. He gave me some gel for her antibiotic I put it on I didn’t do anything. I took her back to the vet because then now her ears were so inflamed, red and her chest under her arms. Her belly are red she’s losing hair around those spots where it’s red.. he gave me medication pills and gave me eardrops. I still see no sign that it’s better. It’s still red under her arms her chess her ears. So now I’m gonna have to make another trip to the veterinarian. I already paid over $400 the last two times. And now I got to take her back again I just want her to get better. I just wanna get the right thing done for her. All he has said is that she had a yeast infection in her ears. What is going on with all the red spot under her arms in her chest in belly and stuff???????? I watch your videos, and I try to figure out what I can do for her but I don’t want to be giving her a whole bunch of stuff when I don’t know what is really wrong with her.

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