1. How do we fix it doc?? Please can cbd make the anxiety go away, I have constant tension headaches after the panic attack and array of anxious thoughts

  2. Iā€™m daily smoker but since last night I have been having bad anxiety like I canā€™t even breathe I thought my weed was laced with something i got some different weed I have them same problem intense anxiety fast heart rate and tingling in my feet and arms i feel like Iā€™m having heart attack my friend is telling itā€™s panic attack will I ever be able to enjoy weed again ?

  3. You need to take just enough to ease pain and no more than that. I also get panic attacks from too much, 12.5mg THC will trigger panic attacks, whereas 6.25mg is much more tolerable. Weed won't cause OD, but it sure feels awful. If you can't handle it then stop using it – it's that simple.

  4. I've tried mary a total of 5 times my entire life. Usually just one baby puff and once just half a 10mg gummy. Every time… without fail it triggers the worst crippling anxiety.
    I get so jealous watching all my friends and family have this beautiful relaxing "cloud like" experience šŸ¤§ but its fine because wine šŸ· does that for me instead.

  5. I started smoking weed when I was 16 and I continued till I was 17. It was really good in the beginning but by the time I quit which I was 17 I was suffering from an anxiety disorder, and even though I have quit smoking weed till today that Iā€™m 37 Iā€™m still struggling with these feelings of anxiety. I have anxiety for no reason. can somebody relate to that and let me know what helps? Thank you.

  6. Imagine continuing to do something that became unpleasant. It happened to me idk why too, but i just told myself "if it's just gona be like this all the time, i quit"

  7. Maybe because a cop is my landlord that makes me have anxiety. The only thing is I donā€™t do it around the house or when heā€™s here, but some other people chill outside their house with a joint or pipe and apparently I have the strongest smell of ā€˜ā€˜em all

  8. Been happening recently after Iā€™ve been smoking heavily for years. Wonder if it has anything to do with the chemicals they putting in and spraying on also

  9. i mean sativa makes more sense then indica becaouse when i smoke indica i just sleep and have a good time u know what im sean? Thats why smoke indica ef u have panic attecks or just problems whit anxiety

  10. CBD is absolutely not marijuana. I donā€™t care if it comes from a different part of the plant I donā€™t care if itā€™s a different type of plant it does not get people high itā€™s not real if you smoked like youā€™re your whole life like I have real weed you do not get high or come from delta eight because itā€™s not real

  11. I always had a thought. Everything that weed ā€œcausesā€ like depression anxiety and what not. Those things are placed on anything these days. Everything causes depression apparently. Any TV ad you see about medicine they always say it may cause anxiety. So my thought was, if everyone is effected my weed different. The only way you would be able to do a proper test to see how it effects someone is if you had a Time Machine. You canā€™t put one person in weed and a different not as a control. Unless they are the exact same person, the control will never be the actual control subject.

  12. I used to smoke alot in my mid to late teens but now at 26 a 6'1 250LB man even a little bit of weed makes me anxious. And I'm talking like one hit. To the point where isn't not even enjoyable anymore. I feel in my everyday life I have very mild to no anxiety at all so it's just so strange that I'm so sensitive to it all the sudden especially with my size. I should state that I don't smoke or use cannabis at all really. Maybe once or twice a year with friends. So obviously tolerance has to play a part. I just wish I could enjoy it now because I always remember it to be a really nice way to wind down at the end of a long day.

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