My Experience with Marijuana and Schizophrenia

In this video, I talk about the recent legalization here in Canada of marijuana, and the studied impacts of marijuana use on schizophrenia and psychosis.


  1. I had the same experience I’m so happy she’s sharing, I forgot who I was and what I was and my entire memory was completely wiped and my concept of reality was terrifying and I thought I was going crazy I was terrified

  2. The best strain is an indica, start small with a couple puffs. The most important thing to remember is to know that no one has ever died from using cannabis. The feeling you are feeling is only temporary and new. It's because you used the plant that you feel different. Let the bad emotions come, but allow them to also go. Fighting what the plant is bringing forth is normal. Lose your ego on whatever is holding you back. Allow the thoughts to come, just don't hold onto them. Just let them pass, everything is going to be alright. You are only learning what the plant is teaching you. Let it come but know that it's just the plant. If you suffer from anxiety, stay away from hight thc and higher CBD strains, or at beat, a one two One thx and cbd strain. A hybrid can be nice. Be in a good reality. Canada 🇨🇦

  3. Got diagnosed with schizophrenia and ate 5 cookies that had weed in them. I lost my mind and nothing made sense also I will see images that also wouldn't make sense. Like skate zombie face or something

  4. Also When I smoked marinuana i only took one hit and I did drink alchool to drown out the bad symptoms and i was finally able to feel the good effects for a little while but after that i don't even try anymore with it

  5. Only time I ever got schizophrenia is when i smoked weed. When i was 14 i smoked weed with no problem i tried about 4 to five more time after i turned 16 2 times at 16 once at 17 and another at 18 , each time inudcing a phycosis Episode. Even with edibles. I try to escape threw sleep and when the high goes the schizophrenia goes sometimes i feel it will creep up but i just have to shift my mind♡ pls stay strong

  6. i am 11 and my friends who are like 12 have smoked weed. I am sooo scared to do it incase i get schizophrenia and incase i have a bad trip but then again when im older older i want to try it once but im just so scared if i get a bad trip

  7. Weed has ruined my brain i have stoped for 1 year and half now but my brain doesn't feel the same i feel disconnected to the world … it feels so werid i can feel it everyday .. i wish one day my brain is back to normal… i started smoking at 20 then at 24 my brain changed overnight, straight after i smoked the whole week since then nothing has changed. But i started to feel noises in my head and my brain felt weak….im 29 now i don't feel noises anymore but my brain feels gone wasted no tolerance, weak and so much more disconected to the world….. if anyone has a same situation or knows exactly what happened to me ill be so gratefull and thankfull 🙏❤

  8. Weed makes schizophrenia more mild but more visual. We are used to altered states. They say negative things about pot, because it's a stimulant, and that works on anxiety, but I have seen it as altering your mind in a different way than schizophrenia so it's more comfortable.

  9. I have skitzoaffective bipolar type and I have also dabbled in weed. I found that using indica based cannabinoids tend to not do anything as far as psychosis but sativa strands always bring me into psychosis and hybrids. I also will not take edibles I will go into full on psychosis and catatonic state and eventually pass out

  10. My boyfriend would smoke weed alot and he says he feels good but just a few days ago he froze Infront of his mirror and cut his hair off really short it was awful but I still try to comfort him knowing marjwana is not good is very helpful

  11. That is why marijuana is only for certain people! Obviously if this happens to you when you smoke then don't do it! I have smoked marijuana for 24 years several times a day, it is my medicine! If it wasn't for cannabis I would kill myself!!! I have several major mental disorders and just like schizophrenia cannabis helps me day in and day out! It's just one of those things that is each to their own personal experience.

  12. Thank you really much for this content! This video really calmed me down regarding how confident you seem to deal with your experiences and the way you manage your thoughts.

    Not so long ago I had as well a weird experience with smoking Marihuana. It must have been extremely potent Marihuana because after only three puffs I started getting unbelievably dizzy and drift away from reality. I couldn't tell anymore what was actually happening and what I was just imagining or thinking. I had crazy thought spirals and it felt if I was stuck between realities. I couldn't even finish a sentence because before I got to the end I forgot what I was about to say and I slipped again into another hemisphere. Every now and then it felt as if I could observe my body, but not control it. It was so absurd

    Now, 5 weeks later, not having touched weed again I still notice changes in my perseption of my environment and it really scares me sometimes even though it is very exciting as well.

  13. I believe it! In my youth a became a defined “pot head!” Was fun for awhile even though it made me lazy and quite! Sometimes I would start thinking that the people I was around didn’t like me, or was secretly judging me and they thought I was boring and stupid. Sometimes I felt like I wasn’t breathing. But then one night I had intense paranoia and got super stuck in my head! That last straw was when I literally had a good vs evil war going on in my head! Thinking about demons winning that war! I was walking back and fourth talking to myself out loud! It was terrible! I was alone which may or may not have been a factor. Anyway, I quit that night! Have smoked here and there since and I still get paranoid but it hasn’t ever been like that time! Edibles are better for me, imo but Marijuana isn’t for everyone!

  14. I got schizophrenia from ecstasy and marijuana. 2 years of hell. On medication marijuana was insane, crazy scary. I can smoke now but I had to go trough every scary thought and confirm how invalid logic I was having. Something like… after smoking my mind was like… “We are about to kill you now, This person next to you is not your friend and he is about to call the president and they will put you to death infront of the TV so that the whole human population sees how bad of a person you are and it is 100% true, yes.”

  15. Thankyou, I live in a hippie town called Nimbin in Australia and my step son is having a psychosis from it. It's a very dangerous drug and I appreciate your help so much. 🙏

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