Cannabis Seed to Harvest Full Time-Lapse 4k

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  1. Anyone who is here educationally note that when he says colas he means calyxs, pistils grow at the top of the calyx not the cola, cola is the name given to each individual main branch

  2. This is all around an awesome video like some tv documentary type of shit only thing I wished it had was the actual day at bottom of video in corner out of the way of this masterpiece of course

  3. Why you gotta interrupt the video call at tlkn in the middle most people start I will tell you to subscribe to clown, so I’m not gonna watch the rest of it and I’m blocking your ass

  4. this was awesome. i had one queston after the eding, for what kind of animal would have evolved the cannabis plant? i mean which animal eats buds in the natur? what was the intention to get the seed around?

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