1. How about an idea from a smoker that rents . How about asking the tenten if the renter offers a place for them like the smoker of cigarettes or how about the right of the right to know. Now that is legalized you cant kick me out for taking my meds. Its like telling me you rent here and you cant drink and you cant smoke . ..like dont that sound disgustingly like discrimination for the ones that do and dont .. shit i am ready to start suing straightforward and head strong about this . Its logical to talk your tented then to make up some stupid rule about smoking . I will smoke this i cant smoke where ever i want if you dont like it you should of thought about that man that woll walkinv to your business doing business mining his business in jope that you are minding yours .

  2. I real somewhere in a Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers story once this salient life-fact, that;
    smokin' far too much weed is grossly insufficient, woefully inadequate & nowhere near enough.
    🤘Didyabringyabongalong Station🪃Central QLD🦘Australia🤯

  3. God I'm glad I don't live in MN any more. Minnesotans are the most anal retentive, fake nice people I've ever known. Maybe legal weed will chill them out in a couple decades. …remember, vaping isn't smoking, and what your landlord doesn't know won't hurt him. Screw those ninnies.
    This comment is so getting deleted….lol.

  4. Both of my rental leases prohibit both smoking and the use of drugs. I don't need either of my places stinking of weed or tobacco. They can go smoke in their mom's basement.

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