1. I would highly recommend that you remake this video with the awesome graphics but remove your shirt to really give us a better idea of where the nerve runs by pointing it out on your back?! 😉

  2. I hate to be the guy to break it to you guys but the vast labrynth of capillary beds carry away ALL of that CBD cream into the central circulation long before it gets near the target nervous tissue. IF you could inject a injectable CBD potion in very close proximity to the nerve you MAY do some good. In addition, not sure what receptor CBD activates but it is most likely the GABA receptor. There is no Mu activation due to the action of CBD. GABA receptors are most prevalent within the CNS not the Peripheral NS. There are multiple things inconsistent with thinking that CBD does anything when applied over a sore area. What you are experiencing is the Central effect of CBD. Central effects occur in the CNS which means it gets into the blood stream through enteral intake or parenteral. The target tissue here being the GABA receptor within the CNS (Brain and spinal cord).

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