What is CBD, How it Works and The Best CBD! CBDSOLV

CBDSOLV.com I have a New Water Soluble whole plant CBD now as well that is …


  1. So glad I found your channel! So excited to try this product! Especially because I live in Portland OR and it’s local! Love it! I have also enjoyed all your recommendations for essential oils!! 🙂

  2. Thank you!!! Can you talk about copaiba as well? Ive thought about using both together (ingesting) since i use copaiba externally for muscle fatigue and soreness. Both claim to effect the same receptors but have different pathways. Please let me know your thoughts. Warm regards- A

  3. Thanks for such a wonderful product!!! At the end of my first bottle and just ordered more. Glad to see you have flavors in stock this time around! I’m on a journey of “self care” and your suggestions have been extremely helpful!!! The cbd oil helps reduce my stress levels along with the med spa massager. Looking forward to trying it when Aunt Flo visits this month. Thanks for your integrity and content Mary!

  4. I can vouch that this product works! I’ve tried so many different CBD oils (that cost much more). I have fibromyalgia with alllll the pain , sleeplessness, and “fun” that goes along with that. It’s not a cure but I’m looking forward to gradually weaning off of my Tramodol and Cymbalta. If you are on the fence or curious, try it! I got the plain flavor and it tastes pretty good!

  5. I live in Alabama and have heard recently that CBD oil is illegal in Alabama but you said it’s legal in every state. I just want to verify if it’s legal in Alabama. Thanks so much! I love watching your videos!

  6. How much would one need to take if you have rheumatoid, fibromyalgia, thyroid problems, bone on bone on both knees and anxiety. I know you said everyone will be different but just a range of how many ml daily would be good enough. Thank you for doing this video and look forward to getting this so I can start living my life once again. Take care

  7. I have a healthy little 2.7 year old son with a developmental speech delay, he was sleeping through the night but regressed to horrible sleeping since starting speech therapy 5 months ago, the pediatrician ok removing his nap a month ago but he’s still waking several times and even staying up for a couple of hours in the middle of the night! I just got a bottle of your product today with hopes of bettering this issue. I started diffusing from edens garden children line 2 weeks ago, I think I’ll try rubbing it on his feet. I’ll keep you posted. Sorry for long comment. I love your channel! 💕

  8. This product looks great and I would love to try it, however I am concerned about the emulsifiers in it. Most recent studies are suggesting the prompting of the inflammatory response from emulsifiers, especially regarding gut health. Also agave has a higher fructose level than any other common sweetener. If your formulation ever changes I will purchase.

  9. I have so many questions but some of them are personal….can I contact you via email?

    Does this CBD oil have any hormones in it? I’m a breast cancer survivor & was diagnosed as HER positive which means that my cancer fed off of my hormones so therefore I can NOT take anything that has hormones in it.

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