Doctors Don’t Talk About This…

Watch my full interview with Harry Jowsey here: I’ll teach you how to become to …


  1. It is absolutely understandable that a malfunction in the main controller would have potentially devastating effects on the entire system. Everyone forgets that the brain literally controls not only our perception of reality, but our entire body. I am so glad for Doctors who not only recognize but speak up about the effects of mental health on our physical well being.

  2. I'm happy to see a doctor talking about this. It's a real thing. Some of the pain in the body is coming from our emotions. Admiration Dr. Mike! We need more doctors like you!

  3. Ouch to essentially hear some of mine listed and we are self aware of some of the trauma but majority of our childhood is missing. We have back pain from shifting bones n joints with a sciatic nerve going down one leg but often makes the hip feel on fire. We started doing xrays reccently since yeah we've been experiencing carpal tunnel syndrome for a while now but in the last couple years it's been causing numbness in the arms which is how we found the discs in the neck are starting to deteriorate. But when you really think about it, its odd how years ago i do remember as a kid going to a workshop with my gram where we did talk about how the body stores trauma and where it does often in the body so we had an idea but somehow doesnt seem like a known thing to some doctors which does make it a bit frustrating sometimes.

  4. I have a mix of physical chronic illnesses and CPTSD, and although I have plenty of scans & tests showing the physical side of it, I have always wondered just how much my mental/emotional stressors have aggravated my diseases. Now that I’m working with a specialized physical therapist, I’ve been shown just how much I tighten and hold my muscles all the time, making my pain worse. It’s been challenging trying to get my muscles to relax at all & learn how to feel “safe”. Very revealing.

  5. Trauma is stored in the body that has been known for many years but the general population still has to wake up to that, as well as some drs, and more medical care options have to be mainstream. When People do deep healing trauma work, like the work by dr. Peter Levine, physical symptoms can lesson or go away.

  6. I have chest pains and heart palpitations as a result of my anxiety. I’ve been to the doctor so often about it and always felt like I was going crazy when it turned out there was nothing physically wrong with me. It’s nice to hear a doctor say that just because it’s caused by my mental health doesn’t mean it’s not real.

  7. The pain volume makes sense. I am very good at ignoring pain. But when i can't concentrate, it's usually because the pain is overriding me. I have to address it before working more

  8. So very glad I saw this video! I have recently begun pain reprossing therapy. I have been having a difficult time understanding how my pain is connected to various trauma. I have been feeling the therapist is telling me it's all in my head. I would love to see you do a full video on this topic.

  9. Trapped emotions in the body communicate through pain. Louise Hay's book, "You Can Heal Your Body" lists physical issues and their possible origins. Dr. Bradley Nelson's book, "The Emotion Code" gives one a simple way to find and release trapped emotions.

  10. See this is true but because i was born female the doctors in my country chalk it up to an overreaction as if itd magically disaapear if i just get a happy meal or something 😮‍💨

    It's gotten to the point where i don't realize how stressed and exhausted i am from overwork until it takes a toll on my physical health

  11. I used to go to my doctor with different symptoms and she would find nothing but she could see my problems were mental health. She referred me to a psychiatrist and eventually, I found a therapist.

  12. Me having ACEs and now having arthritis (inherited but even if I was a carrier of the gene, if I didn't have trauma, I would've stopped it from manifesting). Also, full body acne.

    Psychosomatic symptoms!

  13. I had anxiety caused IBS and nausea which made me close to bedridden for months, and doctors told me it was anxiety but I couldn't accept it. I'm a lot better now that I've been to therapy.

  14. my mom and dad both vomit when extremely stressed. I spike a fever and get flu like symptoms. My brother just gets severe anxiety. Sometimes our bodies just can't handle all that stress and will physically force you to relax for a few days. Some people can handle that stress, but prolonged is never healthy

  15. Well it IS in their head, it's their brain misidentifying something as if it came from their elbow, back ….but it's NOT the elbow sending those signals.

  16. Unbeliever woman goes to a church in a last ditch effort for healing of severe, debilitating migraines.
    After counseling by the church & healers, through prayer, they discover she was molested many times as a small child in a dark place. Woman cries of how dark & painful everything is (childhood trauma) until the healers tell her Jesus is there with her that she's never alone.
    Woman begins to describe the blinding brightness that is there with her (her childhood trauma) that she can no longer see man molesting her nor feel any pain.
    She was healed from her migraines & gave her life to Christ Jesus♥️

  17. But the resolution of MRIs that are commonly used in medicine is very poor: you can’t actually ever rule out an anatomical cause at 100%. Plus, biochemical changes that have not become physical are not visible on such tests. So you cannot say that any patient’s back pain is definitely “caused by trauma”. Also, trauma increases your risk of definitely physical conditions such as diabetes and multiple sclerosis. So essentially this attitude, that a doctor can diagnose trauma-related/psychological versus physical, is just bad science. It ignores the correlation between trauma and negative lifestyle factors which will lead to physical effects on health. It also ignores the correlation between trauma and being a member of society that has less social status (I.E. being female or black) and is therefore more likely to be gaslit by doctors. For example, it takes twice as long for women to be diagnosed with some cancers, essentially because doctors will dismiss female symptoms as hysteria/psychological/related to trauma, etc.

  18. Oh God! Please just stop. You are facilitating the misdiagnosis of thousands of suffering people. You're ruining lives with this outdated, psychobabble bs.

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