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Bucket On Street Presents – Buy Hemp Clothing At Wholesale/Retail | Hemp Seed Oil, Hemp Protein, Mask | Hemp Fabric …


  1. To produce 1 kg of cotton needs 20000 litrs of water lots of pesticides and gmo crops. And isn’t new concept our family used to make ropes and houses from sun hemp which is legumes and this one is cannabis sativa.
    The word canvas came from cannabis. We hope that manufacturers will keep original without chemicals adulteration and not to be greedy.

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  3. I never thought such exquisite products are possible to made with hemp. They may seem a bit costly but if you take into account the effort behind it, you'll feel the price has been rightly set.

  4. Good initiative by Ukhi(Hemp Foundation). Fab explanation over each and every products. Hemp Product are actual Pretty benefical in today's smoking weather. Hemp Products like Jewellery, gave lots of pleasure while wearing them n no pain at all. Awesome collection.Clothes are also pretty trendable. Worth buying them.

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